Category "airflow-scheduler"

Airflow Scheduler fails to execute Windows EXE via WSL

My Windows 10 machine has Airflow 1.10.11 installed within WSL 2 (Ubuntu-20.04). I have a BashOperator task which calls an .EXE on Windows (via /mnt/c/... or vi

set priority for the multiple dag runs

I have a dag that I want to run multiple times say 30. But airflow can parallelly execute 16 dag runs at a time. Suppose one dag run takes longer time to execut

Listing packages in MWAA with a broken scheduler

So, I'm currently working with an Airflow installation via MWAA. I'm having this issue with a broken dependency, specifically: ERROR: pip's dependency resolve

How to pause / Un pause multiple dags in airflow

We have 100 of dags which has a prefix with "dag_EDW_HC_*" . we have below command to pause the dag Command: airflow pause dag_id Is there any way we can pause

Airflow Subdag tasks are stuck in None state while subdag is showing as Running

I have a problem with my dag getting stuck at subdag. The subdag is in RUNNING state but on zooming in all the tasks of the subdag are in None status. Using Air

DAG run as per timezone

I want to run my dag as per new york time zone. As the data comes as per the new york time zone and dag fails for the initial runs and skips last runs data as w

Is there any way to can install airflow on kubernetes on premise

I am new to airflow and need assistance on how to install airflow on k8s . Needs are: 1 . How to Build docker image of airflow only for webserver and scheduler

Airflow Tasks running in parallel

I need to run few Airflow tasks in parallel concurrently and if one task got completed successfully, need to call the other task. How can I do that? Ex: Task A

How do I stop Apache Airflow running a task the first time when I unpause it?

I have a DAG. Here is a sample of the parameters. dag = DAG( 'My Dag', default_args=default_args, description='Cron Job : My Dag', schedule_inte

Airflow Scheduler liveness probe crashing (version 2.0)

I have just upgraded my Airflow from 1.10.13 to 2.0. I am running it in Kubernetes (AKS Azure) with Kubernetes Executor. Unfortunately, I see my Scheduler getti

Problem with start date and scheduled date in Apache Airflow

I am working with Apache Airflow and I have a problem with the scheduled day and the starting day. I want a DAG to run every day at 8:00 AM UTC. So, I did: defa

Airflow dags and PYTHONPATH

I have some dags that can't seem to locate python modules. Inside of the Airflow UI, I see a ton of these message variations. Broken DAG: [/home/airflow/source

Efficient way to deploy dag files on airflow

Are there any best practices that are followed for deploying new dags to airflow? I saw a couple of comments on the google forum stating that the dags are sav

airflow sla_miss_callback function doesn't trigger and doesn't show up in dag details page

I would like to send alerts via my custom callback function that I'm calling during dag initialization as show below- dag = DAG('tutorial', default_args=defaul

Airflow 2.0.1: Pod Template Override not working as expected for KubernetesExecutor

Setup: Airflow 2.0.1 with Kubernetes 1.18 and Python 3.8, Kubernetes Client: 18.17.x Pod template file: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: workerPod sp

How does the mode "reschedule" in Airflow Sensors work?

I have an Airflow Http sensor that calls a REST endpoint and checks for a specific value in the JSON structure returned by the API sensor = HttpSensor( soft

Airflow: Trigger DAG via UI with Parameters/Config

I see that one can trigger_dag with parameters/config key-value pairs using the airflow command line: For Apache Airflow, How can I pass the parameters when ma