Category "ajax"

how to send ObjectID with ajax to backend (Node.JS) [closed]

font-end code(HTML, Javascript) I want to make delete button but i can't send ObjectID with ajax var retName = $(this).data("row-id"); $.

API call returns a response in postman but gives me 403 in browser

ajax call postman url console error Postman returns a response, but browser gives me 403. I have attached my postman request, my ajax call as well as the browse

How to resolve AssertionError: .accepted_renderer not set on Response in django and ajax

While I am calling Django url in ajax, getting below error AssertionError: .accepted_renderer not set on Response. This is my code: function download(){

Python Scrapy Web Scraping : problem with getting URL inside the onclick element which has ajax content

I am beginner for the web scraping with scrapy . I try to scrape user reviews for specific book from . I want to scrape all of the reviews about b

Can cloudflare add custom headers?

Is there anyway to add custom headers in cloudflare? We hvae some https ajax to cache static files, but it's not handling headers like "Access-Control-Allow-Cre

django-filter checkbox ajax

I am trying to implement django-filters + ajax(jquery) after sending the request, the selected checkboxes "disappear" I have little experience yet, tell me how

PHPExcel file download using AJAX call

I have a PHPExcel code which I use to export file, It works completely fine when i run it through normal static inputs but when tried with ajax calls the file i

PHPExcel file download using AJAX call

I have a PHPExcel code which I use to export file, It works completely fine when i run it through normal static inputs but when tried with ajax calls the file i

Block blob url access

I could not find how video platforms such as youtube block access to the blob url address. When I try to go directly to the blob url or send a request with f

Click Function using AJAX Jquery Javascript

I am making a movie review web site as a project for school, and I want to put a click function on the image movie cover which will load the details and reviews

how do I clear a apache Echart? I need to re-initialize it

I have Stacked Horizontal Bar chart on a single page, and each chart changes based on what the user selects (Drop Down Select). I have an ajax call that retriev

POST changes to OPTIONS + Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header

XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is pr

Django: Could not parse the remainder

I'm trying to pass a response from JsonResponse as a parameter of specific function in views. But, got the following error instead django.template.exceptions.Te

disable button not working in jquery and ajax

I want to disable the submit button after the user clicks on the submit button in the HTML form. But form redirects directly to the next page without disabling

Django: Could not parse the remainder

I'm trying to pass a response from JsonResponse as a parameter of specific function in views. But, got the following error instead django.template.exceptions.Te

how to disable button during ajax request

so I have a razor form and I want to disable a button during ajax request. Also I want to be able to send only one request to controller - (disable any flood a

Vue 2 - render components from an ajax response

Is there a way to render components that come from an ajax response? For example, I registered a component "Test" and in the ajax response I have: <p>d

Is AJAX to load embeds possible in AMP?

Quick question: Is it possible to dynamically load content like <amp-twitter data-tweetid="611193269532295168" layout="responsive"> via AJAX into a

HTTP Synchronous nature

I have read that HTTP is a synchronous protocol. Client sends a request and wait for a response. Client has wait for the first response before sending the next

how to remove white space in select 2

I had dynamically added the value of the option in select2 as it came from the database but when the field has no value the space can be selected. How should I