Category "ajax"

file_put_contents causes page to refresh

I am calling a file_put_contents() inside of a PHP script that is executed via AJAX. Whenever I execute this script the client page gets reloaded which is not d

React JS API calls to http://localhost:8000/index.php using axios not working after npm run build

After performing npm run build on my app, I am not able to make requests to my PHP backend at port 8000. It works when I am running it via npm start, but it sud

"Mixed content blocked" when running an HTTP AJAX operation in an HTTPS page

I've a form which I'm submitting (through GET as it is required this way) to a crm (ViciDial). I can successfully submit the form however if I do that the proce

Issue with triggering the submit function with included js file

I'm have a problem triggering the form submission. I am setting the form into <div id="access"></div> innerHTML using the included js file in the he

Laravel 5.1 xmlHttpRequest AJAX POST TokenMismatchException

The relevant code is shown below: var csrfToken = "{{ csrf_token() }}";"POST", "/internal/v1/create/strategy", true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X

Wordpress : Load the whole Page using AJAX

I currently using Oxygen Builder in my wordpress, tryna load my other page using AJAX and I'm very very noob at this. Then, i've done some research about it fir

Script causes “Refused to execute inline script: Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash… or a nonce is required to enable inline execution”

I keep getting this error: Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' data: g

Required fields are not working with ajax

I have created a Registration Form and set its input field to require attribute but its not working with ajax <div class="form-group"> <input requ

How do you send JSON data in a rails-ujs Rails.ajax POST call (not using jQuery)?

I have a React client app that needs to talk to a Rails API. I want to use the rails-ujs method Rails.ajax. For example: Rails.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "

Form in modal window with Ajax doesn't work in FF?

so i have a simple form in a bootstrap modal window. Now with an ajax call i trigger a .php file which save the data or returns a error. In chrome and safari e

Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).dialog is not a function

I have tried all CDN but always get error. Please suggest correct CDN jQuery(document).ready(function() { debugger; jQuery(function() { jQuery("

Python Flask calling functions using buttons

Once the button in my flask template is pressed I'd like it to call a python function defined in that I made to be available to be called within the temp

Use Ajax in Fat free framework to render route every 5 seconds

I need for help in fat free I want to use ajax to render to a specific route every 5 seconds But I can't console any data the ajax page and this is my php code

How to replace img tag with pitcure tag in summernote?

I am trying to replace img tag with picture tag in editor. Editor adding url like : <img src="http://localhost/news/uploads/large/6dBUlfZZBW.webp"> With t

Unable to save to array React state from the response from the server

I'm trying to save my to my array state of React, but it never stores the correct array. But when I do a temporary array it works. const [allstude

Showing a loader while waiting for server-side code with AJAX [duplicate]

My problem was described in Showing a loader while waiting for server-side code (without a blank page). To summarize briefly, I want to show t

See cookies in Chrome devtools set from an ajax XHR request

I have a page on localhost:4000 that has a cookie set by the server. The page also contains a script that successfully makes an XHR request back to the server

Is it possible to pass a parameter/single form element to a controller via unobtrusive AJAX in ASP.Net Core?

I've got a ASP.Net Core MVC app and I have the need to have certain elements update on a click. For example, a create a person form that searches for an existin

XERO API Develop show me the cross-origin when Request TenantId visa ajax request

Since I develop the api of the xero, when I get then token is right[], but then i request tenantId[

how do basic jquery ajax in typo3 flow?

I am trying to do some very basic ajax. I just want an onchange event on a select that will call an ajax function that will get the options for another select