Category "amazon-cloudfront"

Cloud Front : The request could not be satisfied

I am coming across this problem, i have a chat server which needs to communicate to the lambda service hosted in aws , but cloud front throws the following erro

How To Authenticate an AirPlay Session

I am serving HLS video with AWS CloudFront. The content is secured with Signed Cookies. I would like users to be able to use Apple AirPlay to watch the video

Why won't my content security policy deploy to CloudFront?

I'm composing a fairly large CSP and deploying it to CloudFront with CloudFormation. The old CSP worked, but the new one doesn't. It doesn't look like it has an

Cloudfront cache with GraphQL?

At my company we're using graphql for production apps, but only for private ressources. For now our public APIs are REST APIs with a Cloudfront service for ca

How to setup AWS cloudfront with lightsail for WordPress?

How to setup AWS cloudfront with lightsail for WordPress? (on a subdomain) I'm using Route 53 for all DNS management. I'm using a static IP from lightsail, 3.1

AWS Cloudfront + lambda@edge modify html content (making all links absolute -> relative)

I (maybe falsely) assumed lambda@edge can modify origin.responce content, so wrote a lambda function like this: /* this does not work. response.Body is not defi

Restrict Lambda function URL access to CloudFront

AWS have recently released the Lambda function URLs feature which allows a function to be invoked via a URL. I would like to allow my function to be invoked via