For my aws loggroups, I want to write a cloudwatch log insgights query to search for multiple strings in the logs. I tried something like this : fields @timesta
We have applications for multiple tenants on our AWS account and would like to distinguish between them in different IAM roles. In most places this is already p
Is there a way to restructure this cloudwatch insights query so that it runs faster? fields @timestamp, @message | filter @message like /NewProductRequest/ | pa
We are making use of AWS Lambda and have configured cloudwatch for logging. There is a cron job running every 5 minutes which is triggering the lambda function.
I am trying to use the AWS CLI and ASK CLI to code an Alexa skill, and I would like to be able to use the Alexa simulator and view the console logs directly fro
I'm just trying to create an alarm based on CloudWatch Logs Filter which triggers on multiple terms (or connected, not and) and is case insensitive Using "erro
If I correctly understand, a CloudWatch Agent publishes events to CloudWatch by using a of kind of batching, the size of which is specified by the two params: b
Help, I am totally perplexed as to why I am getting this error indicating that CreateAt field is missing when a PutItem() is called. I an ingesting emails into
Trying to put cloud watch logs into kineses firehose. Followed below:
Has anybody successfully run the AWS CloudWatch Logs Agent on a Raspberry Pi 4? When I run the script below, it appears to work, but the awslogs.service does no