Category "amazon-ecr"

bash script for AWS assume-role

I am trying to assume an AWS role within a CI/CD pipeline, hence I have to write a script to change the role via a script. Below is the script to do that, and I

can't push image to ECR even though login in docker and was successfully

When attempting to push image to ECR, I always get 'no basic auth' error. ECR is in us-east-1. This is login command aws ecr get-login --region us-east-1 --

not able login to aws ecr from jenkins pipeline

pipeline { agent { label 'label' } environment { AWS_ACCESS_ID = credentials('aws-access-key') AWS_SECRET_KEY = credentials('

Error when logging into ECR with Docker login: "Error saving credentials... not implemented"

I'm trying to log in to AWS ECR with the Docker login command. I can get a password with the AWS CLI with the command aws ecr get-login-password but when piping

How to install docker on Amazon Linux2

I wanna create docker image for Amazon ECR. but yum can't find it in my Amazon Linux2. [root@*** ~]# yum install -y docker Loaded plugins: amazon-id, rhui-lb,