Category "amazon-timestream"

AWS timestream-write gets "An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the DescribeEndpoints operation: This operation is not allowed."

I am experimenting the AWS SDK for python to access Timestream. I tried their in house example code from the repository and I wrote my own code to create a data

How to correctly handle Timestamps and Timezones in AWS's Timestream?

I have a timestamp field that carries a timezone offset, which I'm trying to insert into Timestream but it's adding 9 zeroes at the end, like the example beneat

How to group data with SQL

How do I group my Timestream data? The table looks simplified like this: point_delivery_number | measure_name | time | value ----------------

Write null measure values to AWS Timestream

When I try to write a record (that has missing/null measure value) in AWS Timestream, it throws the following error. Any suggestion how to ingest NULL measure v