Category "codeigniter"

Can not upload image into the database in codeigniter

I'm trying to upload a image to the database in codeigniter , but when I write $this->load->model('Upload_model');$id = $this->Upload_model->add_ima

CodeIgniter 3 email not sending emails to other email servers but apple

For some reason I'm just getting emails to apple emails but gmail, Microsoft etc. I'm using my own smtp server with SSL, I checked SPF and there is no problems.

Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) on line 3

I am getting this error in codeigniter 3. I had tried most of the things but none of them worked. function money_format($num = 0, $pro = 2) { %n

how to validate form data in codeigniter 4

i am new to codeigniter 4, i am currently building a registration form. when i submit reg form it give error of required fields even if i fill all fields with c

CI4 - Want to use Controller function inside another Controller

I want to create a LogController and Access it directly on other controller. I don't want to use Extends LogController as it is already extending something. If

codeigniter tutorial - changing text color based on boolean

I am working on the codeigniter tutorial but my assignment now says to add a boolean row named "importance" to the database and set one of the news articles to

How to chunk and generate pdf using dompdf in codeigniter for large data set

I have to generate a pdf file for very large data set (more than 1M). Can anyone explain how to chunk those data set into smaller units and download all data in

Codeigniter 4 get configuration array by passing a dbgroup

Many websites including official site state about connecting database connections on a dbgroup, however I hardly found a website that talks about getting only a

how to insert data into select2 search input after scan using qrcode

Example results that i want : I already did the qrcode scan and select2. It is working fine. The problem is I want that data "SBD2P3000002" to be searched in

Prompt login via saved google account

I know how to integrate "Login via google account" in any website. But in some website like zomato always prompt "login via google" account while opening. It sh

Codeigniter 4 Current/Active Controller

In Codeigniter 3 is possible to get current active class and method with this code: $active_controller = $this->router->fetch_class(); $active_fu

How to fix error: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable Filename: models/login_model.p

How can I get user id from session in javascript?

How can I get the user id from session in javascript? I was using this: $( document ).ready(function() { var sessionUserId = '<?php $_SESSION['user_id']

Removing Severity: 8192 from PHP 8.1 error log

Recently upgraded my PHP version from 8.0 to 8.1, now it's displaying tons of error regarding this, mainly Severity: 8192 --> Implicit conversion from float

Codeigniter, Severity: error --> Exception: Too few arguments to function, admin dashboard shows HTTP error 500

I am faced with an error in log files This ERROR - 2022-05-13 02:47:21 --> Severity: error --> Exception: Too few arguments to function Transactions_model

How to override htaccees file for cache control header

In my company we have htaccess file in which there is no web caching enabled,I want to enable caching for one single api but htaccess file is overriding my cach

Using PHP Sessions for High Traffic with AJAX and CodeIgniter

I was reading the CodeIgniter 3 documentation on using sessions and high traffic with AJAX, and it recommends using session_write_close(). My application has fu

Changing font color in javascript

Here's my javascript code: if (password != confirmPassword) $("#divCheckPasswordMatch").html("Passwords do not match!"); else $("#div

Set Header in CodeIgniter 4

Hye guys. Just need a help!!! When I was using ci3 so I faced an issue when user clicked browser back button, that's show " resubmit the form", so I solved that

possible options to create pdf file using html elements to generate invoice in php and codeigniter

Hello Everyone this could be the most common question asked on stackoverflow, I have an invoice template in html like this demo page. I want to generate an invo