I have an app that have to update some machine firmware. Until targeting API 29 there are no problem, now Google Play Store need to target at least API30... and
How to get the location while app is in background periodically and execute some task supportive with android 12 ?
i am trying to store the video on Device Storage and showing video in app but android version like 10,11 and 12 it is showing error that not able to create fold
I am working on an android application where i have used FileObserver to get data changes on a specific folder. The folder is WhatsApp Images and whenever there
Similar to this question, but not the same After update to Android 12 (SDK 31) we change PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, 0) to PendingIntent.getAc
After upgrading to android 12, the application is not compiling. It shows "Manifest merger failed with multiple errors, see logs" Error showing in Merged mani
My Xamarin.Android app's push notification only works on Android 11 (Pixel 3 XL). Currently my app targets Android 11, however it also runs on Android 12 (Pixel
I am using <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" /> to show a pop up which overlay over other apps but android 12 is bloc
/Users/paradox/Developer/nturing/services/otus/scanner-android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml Error: android:exported needs to be explicitly specified for
I try to take the picture Uri in the onActivityResult() and i'm get resultCode == 0 only on Android 12. on all the other devices I tested it works fine. this is
While debugging the application in android 12, the app is getting crashed.
I noticed one exception (Firebase Crashlytics) for Pixel 5 and Pixel 4a (both on Android 12), no other devices, happened only two times, one time for each devic
I am creating a share button for a post on the feed. I am generating a unique link using Firebase Dynamic Links with a custom parameter at the end. On Android 1
I'm developing an SDK that needs to startForeground service from the background. Because it uses background location and Bluetooth-related works. If the applica
I'm creating a video call app using DeepAR and Agora, I created a video call UI with framelayout (Local view) on top and another framelayout (remote view - full
I'm struggling with the error below. adb: failed to install F:\xxx\src\FlutterDemoApp\FlutterDemoApp\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app. apk: Failure [INSTALL_PA
I'd like my Android app to have toolbars the same color as the primary surface (and the status bar -- which is already the primary surface color out of the box
Can anybody help me please. I already have added FLAG_IMMUTABLE flag to all pending intents for supporting Android 12, but when try to call any API using retrof
Can anybody help me please. I already have added FLAG_IMMUTABLE flag to all pending intents for supporting Android 12, but when try to call any API using retrof
For android versions before 11 I was using the below command to get IMEI number from my device: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 4 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '