Category "android-5.0-lollipop"

Android changing Floating Action Button color

I have been trying to change Material's Floating Action Button color, but without success. < android:i

How to customize a vector in Android Studio?

I am working with an Android app (using API 21) in which I can change the color of a vector manually depends on previous Activity, but I have a problem, I can n

How can I change default dialog button text color in android 5

I have many alert dialogs in my app. It is a default layout but I am adding positive and negative buttons to the dialog. So the buttons get the default text col

Activity Transition animation in a ListView in Android Lollipop with Material Design

I am using a Master/Detail pattern and currently moving to Android Lollipop. I want to have one of the new activity transistions if I click on a item in my List

AppBarLayout Background

I want to do this, In the preview of Android Studio looks good but in runtime I get this As you can see at begin of the screen the color is white, I want t

Unnecessary padding in CardView?

I have implemented CardView in my app and everything works fine except there is a little padding around the image if I put radius to the card. It appears like

Android 5.0 IllegalArgumentException: Service Intent must be explicit: on

I'm trying to retrieve the location of the device calling the method connect of the class LocationClient in my activity, however when the call is made the syste