Category "android-constraintlayout"

Recycle view Overlaying in androidx.constraintlayout.helper.widget.Flow

Facing an issue recycle view is overlapping in Widget.Flow layout. First-time app installation is working fine as excepted but user scrolls up and done items ar

Issue centering a QR square

I am writing an Android test app to see how to handle QR codes. This is the code for the main activity (MainActivity.kt) and a question is following. package me

MotionLayout prevents ClickListener on all Views

I am using a MotionLayout with a scene-xml: <Transition motion:constraintSetStart="@+id/start" motion:constraintSetEnd="@+id/end" > <O

How to put ImageView on top of CardView in ConstraintLayout

I want to create a layout like this, but I don't know how to place the CardView background under the ImageView and then set TextView below the image. The image

Display elements in the same place for all devices

I'm trying move items bottom middle, and I want that it was on bottom middle for all devices. And I need add text above and under my imagviews on middel. Sorry

Create vertical chain with respect to other element in jetpack compose ConstraintLayout?

I want to chain title and description text centered with respect to image with chainStyle.Packed how to achieve this in jetpack compose. when i use createVertic

how to make a curved design in constraintLayout as given below

How to make this curved view having text inside, in constraint Layout

How to make view "wrap_content but not larger than" with ConstraintLayout?

I'm having 3 view in a row: title, version and imageview (working as button): title should be wrap_content but respecting the following rules version should be

The child view set to app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="parent" cannot be displayed

The child View of ConstraintLayout is set app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="parent" to hide at the bottom of the screen. Just after entering the Activity, wh

How can i center a view in a guideline?

Suppose i have a horizontal GuideLine at 30% of parent and a View (suppose a Button) how can i make that view be centered on the guideline? Like this: Updat

How to create accessible focus groups in ConstraintLayout?

Imagine you have a LinearLayout inside a RelativeLayout that contains 3 TextViews with artist, song and album: <RelativeLayout ... <LinearLayout

Android studio layout editor. Waiting for build to finish

Android studio layout preview is stuck in waiting for build to finish even though there is no build happening. I have invalidate and restarted android studio. I