Category "tinymce-4"

Adding mustache template variables while editing in TinyMCE

I'd like to use the TinyMCE editor to write text that includes Mustache template variables, specifically to include repeating groups. I'm willing to use the ht

TinyMCE deletes some <a> tags. Settings ignored

I've been trying to force TinyMCE to not delete my a tags with every setting that is available and have had no luck (also looked at 20+ posts here - most being

Silverstripe 4 use additional custom HTMLEditorField

In Silverstripe 4 how can we use different HTMLEditor configs ? I'd like to have two different HTMLEditorFields in the same environment. One with all functional

TinyMCE4 `image_list` external url

I am trying to get TinyMCE 4's image_list to work with a URL returning JSON data as specified in the example here. I have setup a GET endpoint

Prevent auto focus on tinymce in angular 2

Can anyone help me how to prevent auto focus in angular 2. I don't have idea how to do it in angular 2, but I am able to do it jquery: $('form *:input[type!=h

How to handle image upload in angular 5 Tiny MCE component?

I am using TinyMCE editor in angular my angular 5 project, and want to handle image uploads, which I am currently not able to do. Here is my current code: <e