Category "android-emulator"

Automotive Intel x86 Atom System Image not found SDK Manager

I am trying to start Automotive emulator reading this article To install the generic system image: In Androi

Android emulator device is too big for the screen

Hello i'm using Android studio version 4.1 I'm having a problem when Open android emulator, the size of the device is too big and the screen is only displaying

Not able to copy+paste in Android emulator with Apple silicon m1

Android emulator API version: 32, arm64-v8a Android studio bumblebee 2021.1.1 patch 3 Mac OS version: 12.3.1 I am trying to copy text from emulator and past tha

Unable to create an emulator using android studio

I installed android studio on MacBook Pro but when I try to create a virtual device it shows me an error saying that cpu does not support vt-x.

Unable to connect to adb daeomon on port:5037

I have just installed the android studio, But my "Hello world " App is not running in emulator, It's showing the Emulator error - Unable to connect to adb daemo

Expo React Native - Emulator Debug menu shortcut suddenly stopped working on Windows

I am developing React Native App using Expo (not ejected) and Android Studio official AVD. I am on Windows. There is shortcut CTRL-M what opens Expo's (React

" is not yet supported by the maps plugin" - How to solve this

Im just trying to get google maps displayed on my emulator and i also used google_maps_flutter package but is not yet supported by the ma

Android Emulator stuck loading screen on M1 mac/ Apple Silicon

I had downloaded Android Studio on my M1 MacBook air but I can't run the emulator and it just gives me an error. I search Android Studio requirements for mac an

Debugger Options Not open when ctrl+m in Android Studio Bumblebee when running react native app

Debugger Options Not open when ctrl+m in Android Studio Bumblebee when running react native app

How to edit /etc/hosts file in Android Studio emulator running in nougat?

Anyone know how to edit /etc/hosts file inside an android studio emulator running in nougat? I will be editing it so I can use my virtual host in my local web s

Headless Android Emulator: GPS Location does not work even with setting Geo Fix

Summary: Entering geo fixes into the Emulator Console of a headless emulator does not set moc location data. Is there a workaround? Steps to reproduce: 1) Sta

Visual Studio Emulator is Offline Not Launching C++ Mobile

You might let me explain my little issue. I switched from android studio to visual studio for mobile c++ developing. I installed VS (visual studio) and also an

React native Ctrl M or dev tool not showing in my emulator

He thanks in advance, In react native am not able to right click or open dev mode in emulator.

Android apps worked in usb debugging but not in android emulator (white screen)

I run "ionic cordova run android" using visual studio code.. but the apps shows white screen in the emulator.. it display properly if using USB debugging.. the

Expo app runs on ios and emulator but not on android device

The Expo app will build and run correctly on ios simulator, ios device, and android emulator. but when I build an apk and run on an android device the app freez

Emulator command not recognized in command line

I am trying to use enulator command and list all of my emulator nevertheless i get infromation that command is not found. My avds are installed in visual studio

Cannot run emulator in a container on a windows host

I want to run an emulator in a docker container, so i searched for it and found many docker-android-emulator images on the internet but most of them have writte

Is it safe to turn on the Developer options in my Android smartphone?

I want to use smartphone instead of Genymotion emulator for debugging the apps that I develop. But I am not sure how safe it is to turn on Developer options. I

Flutter Emulator Error Connecting to Service Protocol

I am having an Issue with Flutter in Android studio, where whenever I run my flutter app, it will print this error; "Error connecting to the service protocol: H

How to start an android emulator in ubuntu 16.04?

I have android sdk installed, I've looked up directions which say to run ~/android-sdk-linux/tools/android and then click on a tools menu, but there is no tools