Category "android-fragments"

RuntimeException: API key not found. Check that geo.API_KEY is in the AndroidManifest.xml

I am attempting to compile a simple map display on my my phone, but the app keeps closing. It seems that all my ducks are in a row, but I'm just stumped. This

Error inflating class, can someone tell me what I'm missing

I'm working on getting the Google Place API to appear within a CardView. The particular code I'm looking at is from GitHub, seems to be working for everyone el

Refresh fragment is not working any more?

I lost some hours today because my code was not working any more. The code to reload the view of a fragment was not working anymore after updating to the new ve

Android navigation fragment: other fragment is blank screen

The next screen does not come up when navigating between fragments. It exits fragment a but does not go to b. When I inspect the profiler it says I'm in fragmen

How to load data in one fragment in Android

I want show 3 fragments in my Activity and load data from json in any fragments! I want show each json data into one fragment, but in my application show all of

AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory: SavedStateProvider with the given key is already registered

Although it is the same exception, my situation is different from SavedStateProvider with the given key is already registered as I am using Nav-graph Scoped Vie

Swipe to refresh data using SwipeRefreshLayout in fragment?

I want my layout to be refreshed when the app starts and the data should show in and when the user swipes the data should be updated and show new data if new da

Error inflating class com.andexert.expandablelayout.library.ExpandableLayout

Im getting this error android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #12: Error inflating class com.andexert.expandablelayout.library.ExpandableLayout E/A

View in the view pager overlap between previous and next view

I am using ViewPager for sliding effect in my app. I have pager.setPageMargin() to make next and previous views visibility, unfortunately my next view is over

How to call another navgraph fragment from another nav graph without lossing current destination in andorid

I have Two navgraph inside my project graphA { I have some fragments inside my ( Graph A ) login fragment ( this fragment set as home ) and signup fragment } g

Android RecyclerView only contain one item after adding items got from asynchronous retrofit calls

I have a recycler view for image display with a simple adapter. public class ImageListAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ImageListAdapter.SingleItemRowHold

How to prevent Bluetooth Disconnected when moving Fragment

I make a POS in android. I want to make a printing in my apps. To do printing I'm using bluetooth printer. Then, I had success make the bluetooth connection and

ViewPager not showing anything - android

I need some advice. ViewPager showing just white page. I have searched much, but I couldn't find solution for my case. I tried to make simple button, but I got

IllegalStateException: Fragment already added in the tabhost fragment

FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process:, PID: 24169 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment already added: FormFragment{428f10c8 #1 id=0x7f050055 form

Clear state for fragment when using bottom navigation

We have implemented bottom navigation as described here:

How to hide navigation drawer when opening certain fragment?

I'm pretty new in android development. I want to hide navigation drawer when user is not logged in. So basically, it will shown login fragment (better in full s

Creating Custom Dialog box (android example error?)

Been trying to create customer dialog box and I copied source code from android website. I worked my way round a few things now I'm really stuck. I don't know w

How to find a view for Snackbar in fragment's onCreateView method if I use view binding and navigation component?

I'm trying to show a snack bar in fragment's onCreateView method but I don't know what view to passing inside the snack bar. I'm very confused because I first t

ViewPager menu icon delay when swiping

When swiping between tabs on my application, the menu icons have a distinct delay before they appear. If I click tabs, rather than swiping, they update immediat

ViewPager menu icon delay when swiping

When swiping between tabs on my application, the menu icons have a distinct delay before they appear. If I click tabs, rather than swiping, they update immediat