I have CountriesFragment and this fragment is launching first (start destination) I hid the back button using this code NavigationUI.setupWithNavController(mate
I am using registerForActivityResult for google sign in implementation in my development. Everything was working fine until I upgraded my fragment dependency t
When I populate the nav_graph.xml with the two fragments the words fragment displays fine but the letters fragment just displays a default item list of 1 to 9.
I went to the YouTube Academy for Kotlin Android Development and created a semi complex app with Google FireBase, I have hit a roadblock in some code using an E
I've designed my bottom sheet like this <style name="ShapeAppearanceOverlay.BottomSheet" parent=""> <item name="cornerSize">30dp</item>
I am trying to make a weather app where each location that the user adds, it will be shown in the Navigation Drawer. I would like to have multiple items in the
I am using The new Navigation Architecture Component in android and I am stuck in clearing the navigation stack after moving to a new fragment. Example: I am
I was incapable of finding an answer for the following context: Let's say we have a menu and a nav graph instanced in the main activity. We have 3 fragment: Hom
I intended to show BottomBar with three menus (dedicated fragments for each). The BottomBar doesn't show up in the UI, though the same previews perfectly below
Scenario: I made an app that switches programmatically Theme between light and dark mode.It's based on fragment and I set every views via XML calling "?attr/myt
I have 2 fragment pages. The first of these pages is the page where the user is given options. The other page is the page that is displayed according to the opt
So, in the current state, I can see the fragment inside, showing when I boot up the virtual phone; however, as soon as I switch to different fragment, from my d
I don't know whether this is repeated question or not, But I didn't found any solution. The problem is, there is a screen which has similar views in all the sc
I have bottom nav bar define in the Main activity. I have three fragments linked with BottomNavigation bar in fragments I have recycler view so I want to hide B
In a project, there was a FloatingActionButton in one of the activities. I attempted to add a Fragment in that activity and move the FAB inside that Fragment. E
I am trying to implement search in my fragment but its not working. no results shown up with search text. Also all the items are gone from the view when search
I'm currently migrating to android navigation component and cannot get the fragment transitions to work when a new item is being selected in the BottomNavigatio
i want create a google map fragment in a full screen project and then when i touch google map fragment call some function but when i touch google map fragment s
I have a viewPager which contains two fragments. First for showing list of products and another one for showing list of selected products. In the second fragmen
I have project with navigation drawer with fragment, with 5 menu, the problem is when i go to menu 4 and the i press the back button the app closed, but i need