Category "android-intent"

Android: How to hide or close topmost activity?

In my app, I need to start the built-in camera application using the action INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA. The reason of this action is that in this case, I

Duplicate Classes to handle app flow (with explicit intents)

I have three different options in my app that allow the user through several of the same classes but at different times, ie 1) Sharing with friend: MainClass

intent.putExtra() in pending intent not working

I am passing a pending intent through alarmreceiver, from a service class. But, after the pendingIntent fires, the intent.putExtra() information is not being re

How to detect change in time each second in Android?

I am creating a custom watch face for android by following this tutorial. I have implemented broadcast receiver to detect change in time as follows: Inside my

Android - Already have a pending vsync event

I have three services. MorningNotification, DinnerNotification, EveningNotification And I have this code to init them: morning_notification = new Intent();

android remove data from getintent

I have an activity for handling deeplink which is a browsable activity suppose user clicks a link on another app and my browsable activity handles that intent

android - broadcast receiver - caller verification

I am writing an Android application wherein I need to receive some broadcasts sent by the system. I want to make sure the broadcasts are indeed sent by the syst

how to call the start activity from one java class

Is it possible to start an Activty using an Intent in a general java class which extends Activity? import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; impor

Attaching cache file to GMail through FileProvider and Intent not working

So I've been banging my head against the wall for the past day trying to figure out why a file won't attach to an email. Every time the app runs, I get a little

How i can make Flutter application start when it receives background firebase message even if the screen is locked i want my app to start

I tried this code but it didn't works: package com.example.flutter_telegram import android.os.Bundle import import

In Activity.onCreate(), why does Intent.getExtras() sometimes return null?

This was probably a false alarm, see my own answer. Original question below: An activity has a button that takes the user to another activity. To launch the ne

PendingIntent does not send Intent extras

My MainActicity starts RefreshService with a Intent which has a boolean extra called isNextWeek. My RefreshService makes a Notification which starts my MainAc

Highlighting a menu item in system settings

Trying to bring up an unaswered question I found here - How to highlight android setting app menu item? As seen in this video

Listen to incoming Whatsapp messages/notifications

I'm working on a notification based app, for which I need to listen to incoming notifications. I've been able to listen to incoming calls, SMS, mail etc. I have

Get filePath for Recents,Downloads,Images from Uri of ACTION_GET_CONTENT Intent android

I am invoking image picker in my android app using intent ACTION_GET_CONTENT. In onActivityResult() I get Uri using data.getData(). Now I am using an already ex

How to open the Google Play Store directly from my Android application?

I have open the Google Play store using the following code Intent i = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setData(Uri.parse("

Android 5.0 IllegalArgumentException: Service Intent must be explicit: on

I'm trying to retrieve the location of the device calling the method connect of the class LocationClient in my activity, however when the call is made the syste

Send Email Intent

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("text/html"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, "[email protected]"); intent.putExt

Emulators can't load "libGLES_emulation" driver

I am in the process of setting up FirebaseUI using Google's guide but I suddenly got an error I can't seem to find a solution for. I'm pretty sure it has to do

Check if application is installed - Android

I'm trying to install apps from Google Play. I can understand that on opening the Google Play store URL, it opens the Google Play and when I press the back butt