I have a vector drawable which has two paths with different attributes referencing to different theme colors. And these attributes' values are being changed by
I'm trying to assign a negative value to the padding modifier but the app had crashed. Have a look at my code. Thanks if you can help or give me an alternative
I'm new in jetpack compose and trying to understand the difference between remember and mutableStateOf In other words the deference between this line val text
Scenario: I have 2 fragments ProductList and ProductDetail in my nav graph. And when i click on any product it opens the ProductDetail fragment using findNavCon
I need a help to detect adapter onclick event in activity class with the help of dagger hilt. Step1 : I have created one interface class which name is ItemClick
I was implementing the outlinedTextField in android using new compose library. But strangely the input data was not updating in the text field. So I searched an
I want to take screenshot of specific composable function on Jetpack Compose. How can I do this? Please, anyone help me. I want to take screenshot of composable
So in XML you were able to structure menu items and nest them like this. But in jetpack compose, I am unable to figure out how this would work. I already read
I'm facing this random crash while navigating to a Fragment via deep-link which is declared in the navigation graph file. I'm using navigation component library
I've an AndroidView on my UI and I'm creating a custom view class using factory scope. And I've remember value above my android view which is changing by user a
I want to achieve a UI effect like this: <GridView> <Title of Grid content in a single row /> <Grid content arranged in the form of n * 3
I have a layout in Jetpack Compose where I have a couple of composables (text view and input) that I need to stay at the top of the screen, and then another com
I started recently using the navigation graph and i have a problem that i havent solved yet. I want to open the same fragment multiple times that they are stack
I am having a product listing page. The recyclerview is filled with data from the Firebase firestore. When I click on any product, it will go to the details pag
I am trying to Add Navigation in my project but its showing failed to add Navigation dependency, when i click on 'ok' in the window to add these now , its showi
I want to make a periodic worker to schedule notifications based on the total number of customer collection dates. I already did apart, but I'm facing a problem
I am using androidx.recyclerview.selection for selecting items in a RecyclerView. I am trying to build an edit fragment in which it pre-populates the old views
I tried adding Installreferrer to my app after adding it to gradle, when rebuilding the app. I'm getting this error. Duplicate class com.google.android.a.a foun
I have a JSON data looking like this questions: [ { id: "1", question_type: "FREE_TEXT", answer_type: "SINGLE_LINE_TEXT", question_text: "what's your name?", op
I have 30 users displayed in a LazyColumn. On user click, I navigate forward to UserDetailsScreen. My question, is it better to pass the ID of the user and crea