Category "https"

Consume SSL Secured APIs in ASP.NET Core 6 MVC Client

We have an application that has two projects as follows (1) AppClient – This dotnet core MVC project and it is running on WebServer on IIS (2) AppService

Proxy to SSL Endpoint with webpack-dev-server proxy

I am trying to do an axios GET request in vue3: vue.config.js module.exports = defineConfig({ transpileDependencies: true, devServer: { proxy: 'https://

What is the exact Tiktok API endpoint to get list of video ids (aweme_ids) using user id (uid)?

TikTok API to fetch the list of video ids corresponding to a particular username I have been getting the USER_ID using /aweme/v1/discover/search/?keyword=USERNA

Can't access server since switching to https on aws

I am deploying a MERN stack using EC2 on AWS. I have created SSL certificates for the following domains: * The cname an

Getting error while POST request with large payload

Facing this issue when I am passing a large(66kb) payload with a POST request. It works for a smaller payload. PS: I am using http in the request as suggested b

IIS 7.x server error with HTTPS deployement

Am using IIS V7.5 with windows server for deploying Angular + .Net 4.5 fullStack application. Am using multiple instances at same site with different versions o

Laravel php artisan serve to mimic HTTPS

I have been searching around to see if there is a way I can mock SSL for local development using Laravel's artisan to serve HTTPS with no luck. Is this possibl

OpenSSL BIO_read is wrong

This is the code how I am reading the response from my HTTPS request: int len = 0; f = fopen("response.txt", "wb"); do { char buff[1534]; len = BIO_read

POST command missing parameters in SSL (https:) but working with http

I have an ASMX web service for login into the website. I call the web service by using an ajax request. this works as intended on non-SSL (HTTP). However, when

C# HTTPS Server on Ubuntu

I'm trying to get an HTTPS connection working on Ubuntu from my C# HTTP server. I've enabled HTTPS in my HTTPListener as you would on Windows, however I am unab

Redirect http to https on apache not working for http links that include a filename

I have recently setup SSL on my apache server (the server is hosted on DigitalOcean). I have followed the instructions to setup the certificate and edit to the

hashicorp Vault : " Error initializing listener of type tcp: error loading TLS cert " Where is my mistake?

I try to run Vault with docker-compose on Virtual machine ubuntu 20.04 ( ip : ). Without the https, already works fine, but when I try to put vault

As I set HTTPS=true in package.json I get an error

I am trying to run my react application in secure mode but as soon as I set HTTPS as true in package.json I get the following error. The app works just fine in

Rewrite rule for targeting http only (no https)

A website that I manage was currently turned via cpanel to redirect at https. Unfortunately a single site/folder/program works only in http and not in https (id

HAProxy Unable load SSL

I got this error 'bind *:443' : unable to load SSL certificate from PEM file '/etc/ssl/private/https-cert.pem' but the file location is correct. $ sudo ls -l

How many HTTPS certificates have the google reCaptcha endpoint? And where can I download them?

We have a Java web application that implements reCaptcha validation against URL in a microservice in Docker. Thi

Postman and content-length

From my laptop I initiated a POST request to my web server. The HTTP POST request looks something like this (when seen via POSTMAN console) POST /api/fwupgrade

Nginx proxy remove spesific path and emty Post request body +HTTPS

I'm using nginx for web service proxy. I have rest service as below and i want to proxy my domain Service has some method

letsencrypt certificate not loading outside internal network

I have a RasberryPi 4 running ubuntu/20.04.4 with nginx/1.18.0 Configured the ports forward (80,443) to the RPI4 and previously had it working with some godaddy

HTTP Range requests with php for Video Embedding for solving going to specific time in video (seek bar not work)

i'm trying to run a video through php file. it's worked.but the problem is that when i try to go to special time in video it replay the video from the beginning