I need the width of the screen. But recently found Android defaultDisplay deprecacted with message: Getter for defaultDisplay: Display!' is deprecated. Deprecat
I have a layout in Jetpack Compose where I have a couple of composables (text view and input) that I need to stay at the top of the screen, and then another com
Having all kinds of problems tonight. Downloaded updated Android Studio and Gradle and coded a little and then started getting these errors. Have tried uninstal
application de point de vente dans le cloud, applicable à tout MAGASIN, BOUTIQUE DE DÉTAIL, RESTAURANT, CAFE, KARAOKE ... et rend les ventes extr&
I'm trying to create a MaterialButtonToggleGroup with material buttons inside it and I wanna do that with custom styles. I was able to create that using xml, h
I am using MaterialCardView as my cardview layout. Now, Android-studio started showing me that instead of current implementation "com.google.android.material:m
I am using MaterialCardView as my cardview layout. Now, Android-studio started showing me that instead of current implementation "com.google.android.material:m
Here is an issue I am facing in an Android app. Please let me know if I need to give more information. There is an animation running inside the app. And while i
rather simple situation. I have a checkbox, I set the button attribute to my selector with two drawables for checked and unchecked. It looks proper in the edito
I have two MaterialCardView in a linear or relative layout (i don't care about the parent layout I only want the result) I want that both of the MaterialCardVie
How do I make a child ImageView clip to the bounds of its parent? When I add an ImageView as a child to a parent view with rounded corners, the child ImageView
What my layout file currently does: My layout file after building an app looks like on the picture and before building What I want it to do: I want this info ic
According to the documentation on custom layouts: "Each UI element has one parent and potentially many children. Each element is also located within its parent,
i tried to open bottomNavitem from fragment with this code on ,it opens bottomnavitem ,on comming back same bottomnavitem it open same fragement while i need to
I want to evenly distribute the elements "checkbox, desayuno,elegir hora" to the full width of the screen.After the "elegir hora" button there is a small Textvi
I've designed my bottom sheet like this <style name="ShapeAppearanceOverlay.BottomSheet" parent=""> <item name="cornerSize">30dp</item>
Is it possible somehow to display Android homescreen widget as a Flutter widget? I've read about PlatformView widget that can embed any Android view inside Fl
For the past few days, I have had a problem with my Android app. First it shows me this error: F:\DataHosting\ApplicationV2\app\src\main\java\fr\ph1823\datahost
Navigation drawer item highlight color exceeds over the radius of the corners when I select (long press/ hold down) the item. <...NavigationView in activity
I created an app on android studio using java. I have a problem that when I change the language From English to Arabic the app flips 180 degre