Category "android-recyclerview"

How to change main scope to another in recyclerview, adapter?

This is my code in adapter using recyclerView. How to improve this code to not use Main Scope, but to use scope that could be disposal? I need to have access to

But really, how does the AndroidX Paging Library know when to load more pages?

There's this question, which is identically worded. But the poster's problem was solved without actually answering the question posted - because the problem was

how can I place a recycler view inside a Navigation View

I found a way to place the recycler view on top of the Navigation View, the only problem I can free up some space in it for the recycler view ,I need help with

Seekbars in RecyclerView become "linked". Changing the value in one, changes another

I've set up a RecyclerView and getting some odd behavior when adding Seekbars to every row or "view". I've also tried this just using ListView as well and get t

How to trigger other CardView element in recyclerview than clicked?

I have a method in adapter using recyclerview I basically display some elements of cardViews. How to trigger method on other element where usually I use cardVie

material-1.5.0-alpha03\res\values-v31\values-v31.xml:3:5-94: AAPT: error: resource android:color/system_neutral1_1000 not found

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <color name="m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral0">@android:color/system_neutral1_1000</c

How to make visible a element when the RecyclerView is loaded?

I'm making an social app and I want to implement a system where when you click on the comment button a Input dropdown... The problem is that it doesn't matter w

Attempt to read from field 'android.view.View androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$ViewHolder.itemView' on a null object reference

I am making an app that gets data from sql and puts it in a recycle view i first tried it in a list view but i found it easier in a recycle view it is basically

Recyclerview getting refreshed after come back from another screen - Android navigation

I am having a product listing page. The recyclerview is filled with data from the Firebase firestore. When I click on any product, it will go to the details pag

Is there a way to drag and drop only when a specific button is clicked on recyclerview item?

I'm using the ItemTouchHelper for drag and drop. As I see, ItemTouchHelper only provides the ability to drag over any part of the item. But I need to implement

How to select all items listed in Recyclerview using androidx.recyclerview.selection?

I am using androidx.recyclerview.selection for selecting items in a RecyclerView. I am trying to build an edit fragment in which it pre-populates the old views

Know whether a view is completely visible in a recycler view from its adapter

I saw a lot of posts that show the currently entirely visible item in the recycler view but, from the activity. But, I want to know about that from the adapter.

How to move the snap position from center to left of RecycleView using SnapHelper?

I have an RecycleView that contains ImageViews and my question is how can i move the snap to be on the left side of the RecycleView instead of the center? Whe

Recyclerview recreating dynamic chips on scroll

I am creating a RecyclerView which has an item with dynamic chips. I am looping through an array to set the text of the chip, this works fine but when I scroll

How to make RecyclerView be always up to BottomSheet and under AppBarLayout?

I have a layout with AppBarLayout which height is set dynamically by adding some margins if the device has the notch, BottomSheetLayout and a RecyclerView. The

RecyclerView is not going to the orignal starting position

Recently I have added saving and restoring functionality in my recycler view so when I navigate between different fragments the recycler view maintains its posi

RecyclerView is not going to the orignal starting position

Recently I have added saving and restoring functionality in my recycler view so when I navigate between different fragments the recycler view maintains its posi

How to deal with viewholder and flow in recyclerview?

I would like to use my variable flow to save integer and keep him. Then every viewholder in recyclerview observe flow and react if it is clicked. For example: I

I want to hide my appBarLayout and BottomNavigationView on scroll of fragment recycler?

I want to hide my appBarLayout and BottomNavigationView at the same time when I scroll up the recycler and show again when I scroll down the recycler. In my cas

Recycler chat Pagination add new message at top

I am working on a chat app where I need to show reverse pagination and show the user's previous chat when the user scrolls up. I am first loading data from SQL