Category "queue"

RedisException php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution

I have Redis and php-redis extension installed but whenever I wanna use a queue in Laravel I just get the error below RedisException php_network_getaddresses: g

Is it right to implement queue with single linked list?

My Code ↓ Some macros defined by #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define ElementType int #define ERROR 0 // 队列ஷ

Job stay in pending list after processed

I am running Laravel 8, horizon 5.4 After I initiate the job, it processes successfully as it should, but in the Horizon dashboard it stays pending list, it doe

What is the best mechanism to send data through queues in a multithreaded program?

I am making a multi-threaded application, where a main process sends messages to the appropriate thread through a queue. My doubt is in the part of the thread:

Boost Beast async_write() With Queue

I have the following code: std::queue< nlohmann::json > outgoingMessages; void session::do_write( void ) { if ( outgoingMessages.size() > 0 ) {

Efficient queue clearing in C#

I'm currently dealing with a queue that has a couple thousand entries in it. To save on RAM usage I'm currently using the TrimExcess() method built in to the qu

Set different maximum values for each field in the Bar Gauge | Grafana

I was trying to set up a dashboard so that I could monitor the number of messages within certain queues. The problem is that in order to create a suitable alert

Mark Node as Failed under graphlib TopologicalSorter

From graphlib.TopologicalSorter, I can process nodes from a graph in parallel via: topological_sorter = TopologicalSorter() topological_sorter.prepare() while

Insert and Delete element on Circular Queue

I'm studying about circular queue in data structure . As you can see from the code below, I try to delete a specific data and insert data on Circular queue. How

How to check pending schedules in queue schedular of RxJS?

I am using this code in for loop: my purpose was to once I get response of 1st request then only it should execute second request then 3rd and so on. queueSche

Why I get this error laravel-worker: ERROR (no such group)

I followed the official Laravel doc to start queue in the background using supervisor in Centos 7. But whene I run this command sudo supervisorctl start larave

Unexpected supervisor processes limitation

I’m using Beanstalkd queues in Laravel, controlled by Supervisord. Laravel v7.30.6 Beanstalkd v1.10 Supervisord v3.3.1 Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (125G RAM) PHP 7

Best way to wait for queue population python multiprocessing

It is first time I play with parallel computing seriously. I am using multiprocessing module in python and I am running into this problem: A queue consumer run

Why do I need Comparable for PriorityQueue?

I'm learning about Queue Collection and I don't understand why do I need to implement Comparable interface if I use PriorityQueue? I have used Comparable and Co

python multiprocessing queue implementation

I'm having trouble understanding how to implement queue into a multiprocessing example below. Basically, I want the code to: 1) spawn 2 processes (done) 2) s

php artisan queue:flush does not flush the queues

Our log is blowing up due to non-stop retries by the queue workers despite having the retries set to 1 only. This is literally caused by 3 different failed job

During thread contention how can I speed up this ConcurrentQueue implementation which uses ReaderWriterLockSlim over a regular Queue<T>

Question: How can I implement a faster thread safe queue to support an object pool when under heavy thread contention? Scenario: My overall final objective is a

How do I print a queue?

I am trying to print a queue below. I have tried the idea of creating a temp queue and writing into it then writing it back. But it's not working. Or what am I

RabbitMQ how to change ownership of an ha queue that did not migrate when node left cluster

I have a three-node RabbitMQ cluster (version 3.4.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.3) with approximately 80 queues, 40 of which are ha queues (policy {"ha-mode":"exactly","ha-

Confused over compareTo implementation with PriorityQueue

I am trying to write a program where I replicate a registrar's office using a priority queue. The sorting for this priority queue would be based on a higher GPA