Category "android-studio"

Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses '

Task failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugNativeLibs'. Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debu

Create a new colour resource to be used as the background for the data entry part of the MainActivity using android studio

Create a new colour resource to be used as the background for the data entry part of the MainActivity.

Android Emulator shows a Black Screen on Ubuntu Android Studio AVD

I just installed Android Studio and created my first few Virtual Devices based on Nexus 6 API 27 Pixel 3 API 27 Pixel 4a API 30 Pixel 5 API 30 Pixel 5 API 28 Pi

How to solve: The minCompileSdk (31) specified in a dependency's AAR metadata

One or more issues found when checking AAR metadata values: The minCompileSdk (31) specified in a dependency's AAR metadata (META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/a

Screen recorder app not detecting my screen size (width and height)

Source: here With the following segment of code all my Android devices record with a maximum width of 960 rather than the device width. val metrics = resour

Animation yoyo keep run when typing Edittext

when typing edit text yoyo animation keep run how to keep typing show animation Once ? text_send.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Ove

KMM Application iproject templates not displayed

I set up trying to develop KMM development on Ubuntu 20.04 Android Studio 4.1. The setup was done according to the procedure on the following site. https://kotl

How to get the app I'm developing to send me a notification to remind me for an event?

I'm making a student organizer app, where I have a module to register the student for an event. Once it has been registered, I want the app to send a notificati

I am unable to use auto Image slider but not able to do so

I just wanted to use Auto image Slider, but after adding all the dependencies and other requirments like still I am unable to use sliderLayout of aut

I just need the local currency symbol in a String depending on the country the user is, in Kotlin for Android Studio

Is there a simple way for the system to return the local currency symbol? I been searching but I cant find anything, in swift you can achieve this with two line

viewBinding is not working with error (Android studio 4)

I make android application with kotlin by Android studio 4 (4.11). findViewById is deprecated in Androd Studio 4 ,then I use viewBinding. https://developer.andr

Android Studio: Logcat vs Run

What's the difference between Logcat and Run in Android-Studio? Logcat has filter-options. Beside that I don't get which specific purpose each serve. In how far

"Unable to find method ''void<init>(java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel)''"

The problem: I'm currently using Android Studio and Gradle to compile code from a github repository (00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon) and while I can run some t

How to uninstall Android Studio if it is not visible in control panel and also uninstaller is not in the file location

I am trying to uninstall Android Studio from Windows 10. But it is not listed in control panel and also there is no any uninstaller file. I tried one way by usi

Is there a way to force changes from the last hot reload to persist after stopping debug session?

In Android Studio after ending the debug/run session and/or unplugging my phone from the computer and restarting the app, the locally installed app seems to not

Firebase android studio not inserting data correctly

This is the data being inserted the the correct one is the [email protected] while the incorrectly inserted ones are the ones with a:Name mAuth.createUserWithEmai

Firebase android studio not inserting data correctly

This is the data being inserted the the correct one is the [email protected] while the incorrectly inserted ones are the ones with a:Name mAuth.createUserWithEmai

Pages must fill the whole ViewPager2 (use match_parent) while i set it to match parent

I use viewPager2 in my app with custom adapter and in layout i use my viewpager2 in linearLayout. i set the height and width of my viewpager2 to matchParent, an

Android app crashes when activity is initialised from fragment [duplicate]

I am currently trying to create a calendar app in android studio. The app contains a calendar with different "Views" e.g. monthly view, weekly

Expo Image Picker -- not returning image from Android Emulator in Android Studio

I am running the Pixel 5 API 30 avd in Android Studio with react native client coding. I am using the expo image picker to pick the image and return to the appl