Category "android-studio"

Android Studio stuck on loading devices

I'm currently running Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 in windows 10. The problem I have is each time I start android studio the device list is stuck in loadin

Retrofit2 post request is successful but I'm not able to retrieve token from response body

So I'm trying to making a login(post) request to an API ( with retrofit 2. The connection was successful as the response code is 200

Could not find ( or any version )

Error : Could not find Searched in the following locations:

Flutter HTTPS Handshake error in client (OS Error: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: ok(

A colleague has given me a Flutter project to try to build the app in iOS (I use a Mac, we both use Android Studio). Everything is ok except for this error:

How to enable Flutter intentions (IDE shortcuts) in Android Studio

I've been reading about IDE shortcuts to make Flutter programming easier in Android Studio, but when I hit Alt-Enter (or click the yellow light bulb in the frin

Debugger Options Not open when ctrl+m in Android Studio Bumblebee when running react native app

Debugger Options Not open when ctrl+m in Android Studio Bumblebee when running react native app

gradle ASCII: A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'

Friday gradle works fine, today I got this gradle error: * Where: Build file '...\git\project\app\build.gradle' line: 1 * What went wrong: A problem occurred e

gradle ASCII: A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'

Friday gradle works fine, today I got this gradle error: * Where: Build file '...\git\project\app\build.gradle' line: 1 * What went wrong: A problem occurred e

Flutter: Coverage:ignore not working with async methods

I can't ignore any async Functions from code coverage. I try to exclude File.exists() from my Code coverage. Attempts: Tried with // coverage:ignore-line ->

Where do I get SHA-1 certificate fingerprint using flutter? (using flutter create --androidx ProjectName)

I want to make a simple login page using flutter, and using it with firebase. The first step when I created the project my code: flutter create --androidx Proje

Widget that contains image with rounded corners

How to make a Material You-like widget with image whose corners are rounded? It is already made in Google Photo, but how to get the same effect? Many ways (like

Plugin not found when running app in android studio chipmunk canary 7

I had downloaded android studio chipmunk canary 7 and faces this problem : Plugin [id: '', version: '7.2.0-alpha07', apply: false] was n

Flutter Build Error: Process 'command 'E:\Flutter Apps\flutter\bin\flutter.bat'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

I got this error when I try to generate a signed apk in the android studio of my flutter app - Process 'command 'E:\Flutter Apps\flutter\bin\flutter.bat'' finis

Android Studio BumbleBee pair wifi not working

I am trying to connect my Android 11 device with the android studio over adb wifi but it is not working. I updated to the latest stable bumblebee and updated my

What are all the changes to apk by AGP 7.1.0?

I have just upgraded Android Studio from Arctic Fox to Bumblebee and AGP from 7.0.4 to 7.1.0 The project currently has: The apk generated by gradle task assem

Flutter/Dart on a IOS device?

How can I run my flutter program on a IOS device? I'm gonna use a iphone6s. I'm using a windows 10. I'm either using visual studio code or android studio. Last

Difference between signature versions - V1 (Jar Signature) and V2 (Full APK Signature) while generating a signed APK in Android Studio?

Please select at least one of the signature versions to use in Android Studio 2.3 Now while generating a signed APK in Android Studio, it's showing two options

Execution failed for task ':app:signReleaseBundle'

I have this error at the moment to make flutter build appbundle this is the error: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed

After install CSV Plugin in Android Studio 4.0 Not able to Open Project Setting and build.gradle

This is the first time I've encountered this issue with Studio 4.0. Project and app-level files not able to open, below some other file which not able to open:

cloning a bitbucket project in AndroidStudio

I try to clone a project from Bitbucket into Android Studio. The project was originally published from Eclipse. But I get the error: Clone failed. Failed