Category "android-studio"

Error inflating class com.andexert.expandablelayout.library.ExpandableLayout

Im getting this error android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #12: Error inflating class com.andexert.expandablelayout.library.ExpandableLayout E/A

Calling of camera from different thread

I am writing a code that should capture images and send it to a python server. One part of this code requires calling the camera. My solution for this was to si

Cannot Resolve Symbol 'R' Android Studio 3.0

My app was working normally. When I went to sleep I left the PC on and the next morning I found this error in the R: can not resolve symbol ... Try everything,

Execution Failed for task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac in Android Studio

I am developing an Android App in Android Studio. Not quite sure what went wrong. I was successfully building a few days ago. Any help would b

React Native Android No such property - logger for class DefaultProjectDescriptor

I am developing my app using React Native and now when I open the android project in Android Studio, during gradle sync it is throwing this error: A problem occ

"Task 'compile' is ambiguous in root project" - Android Studio

Every time I try to run my project, clean it or build it I get a gradle error: Error:FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Task 'compile

Change fill color on vector asset in Android Studio

Android Studio now supports vector assets on 21+ and will generate pngs for lower versions at compile time. I have a vector asset (from the Material Icons) tha

BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit '_BuildScript_' Unsupported class file major version 61 on Apple Arm

I have installed Android Studio Canary 2020.3.1.22 and trying to run Flutter project on Apple Silicon(ARM) Mac. Unfortunately, it is giving me this error when I

Allow insecure protocols, android gradle

I recently updated my android studio to Arctic Fox and got an error in my project A problem occurred configuring root project 'so10'. > Could not resolve all

flexiprovider conflicts with bouncycastle when retrieving keys from string

I have been using a solution, provided in bellow, to encrypt/decrypt using Flexiprovider for a while. The solution works on galaxy s5 and s6. However, in s9 it

Cause: error=86, Bad CPU type in executable M1 Macbook (Android studio)

When attempting to run the emulator on android studio I receive the Cause: error=86, Bad CPU type in executable error message. I'm using the most up to date and

Is it safe to turn on the Developer options in my Android smartphone?

I want to use smartphone instead of Genymotion emulator for debugging the apps that I develop. But I am not sure how safe it is to turn on Developer options. I

MediaSessionCompat:Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent

I'm trying to update my application to Android SDK 31 but I'm having an issue with MediaSessionCompat. I have a MediaService that extends the MediaBrowserServic

Android Studio cannot resolve org.junit

I am using JUnit tests in Android Studio 1.2.2. The tests run without a problem. The only thing that puzzles me is that Android Studio cannot resolve the actual

UninitializedPropertyAccessException in Android Studio using Kotlin

I am a beginner making use of a Roomdatabase. Mostly using it to load in and pass items between tables using simple relationships. package com.example.allin

android studio error disappears in logCat after crash

My app is crashing. For a split second the error appears in the logcat but then very quickly gets replaced by a bunch of garbage. How do I find my error? My err

React Native Release App.apk search metro server

I have created a release of my android application. I have used Android Studio to create it, however, when I install the application it closes automatically. Th

Android Studio stuck installing application to Device after add jar library

I'm setting up a SignalR client with Android. I'm using Android Studio 3.3 with Gradle v3.0.1. I'm using two SignalR deprecated jar library in project. - signa

Flutter Emulator Error Connecting to Service Protocol

I am having an Issue with Flutter in Android studio, where whenever I run my flutter app, it will print this error; "Error connecting to the service protocol: H

Why does Android Studio say "Test events were not received"?

I'm trying to unit test in my android application, and this is the simple test tutorial what i'm doing. import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test