I am trying to style CompoundButton.CheckBox using official material.io tutorial: <style name="Widget.App.CheckBox" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.Compoun
How to center spinner items through styles without creating custom item view? Without extra work in code, just using styles.
rather simple situation. I have a checkbox, I set the button attribute to my selector with two drawables for checked and unchecked. It looks proper in the edito
This question should be simple, but i didn't find an answer. I have an app with selectable accent, and i'm trying to add an option to use the android system acc
I'm trying to customize a TextInputLayout with material style. I managed to set the focused state to the colors I want: Using <com.google.android.material.t
I have set <item name="android:spinnerMode">dialog</item> and so when I tap the spinner, I get a popup. But that popup is grey with white text an
Previously you could define all of your style changes as a single style in XML which was really convenient especially if you had a lot of different styles. The