Category "android-toolbar"

How can i add a Toolbar in Jetpack Compose?

I need to add a Toolbar in my Android application with a List like below. I am using Jetpack Compose to create the UI. Below is the composable function i am usi

How to make this profile picture moving with Collapsing Toolbar Layout in Android

I want to make a layout like this. But I did not know how to make profile picture moving with CollapsingToolbarLayout. I need help. Like the above picture

Does Android Jetpack Compose support Toolbar widget?

I'd like to use Toolbar with Jetpack Compose. Does it have such a Composable component?

Difference between enterAlwaysCollapsed and exitUntilCollapsed scroll flags in coordinate layout

I'm unable to understand difference between these two scroll flags applied to the toolbar or collapsing toolbar, when scroll up and scroll down

How to hide navigation drawer when opening certain fragment?

I'm pretty new in android development. I want to hide navigation drawer when user is not logged in. So basically, it will shown login fragment (better in full s

Toolbar subtitle is cut (It does not fit in height)

My question is very simple, but i can't figure it out: When i try to display a subtitle, the toolbar has not enough space do display it and it is cut. Toolbar

Android Toolbar Popup menu not showing icons

I am trying to show a drop down menu for my toolbar which includes BOTH text and icons: <menu xmlns:android=""

How can I use an icon instead of a title in the Android Toolbar?

I'm using the Toolbar (instead of ActionBar) via AppCompat. I'd like to replace the Toolbar's title (the app/actity name) with an icon, but I don't see how. My