Im investigating the use of Hilt in my current Android application. api 'androidx.hilt:hilt-work:1.0.0-alpha02' implementation "
I have to create an application that activates the proximity alert at certain times of the day (this period of time can be several hours long). The proximity al
I want to make a periodic worker to schedule notifications based on the total number of customer collection dates. I already did apart, but I'm facing a problem
Work [ id=ab50e634-d315-4566-acc2-fe146a7366e2, tags={ in.offline.usecase.Upload****s$Worker, upload/***/now/* } ] was cancelled java.util.concurrent.Cancellati
I want to set up the following work using WorkManager: A | v ----- | | v | B v | D v | C | | | ----- | v E So
I'm developing an SDK that needs to startForeground service from the background. Because it uses background location and Bluetooth-related works. If the applica
I have an Android app on Play store for 8 years. Recently Google release Android S or 12 introduce some limit with Foreground service launch restrictions https:
I upgraded to WorkManager 2.1.0 and tried to use some of the Kotlin extensions including CoroutineWorker. My worker was extending previousl