Category "android-workmanager"

Can you UnitTest Android workers that employ Hilt constructor injection

Im investigating the use of Hilt in my current Android application. api 'androidx.hilt:hilt-work:1.0.0-alpha02' implementation "

is it recommended to use Android WorkManager for long tasks?

I have to create an application that activates the proximity alert at certain times of the day (this period of time can be several hours long). The proximity al

Schedule periodic local notification based on specific dates

I want to make a periodic worker to schedule notifications based on the total number of customer collection dates. I already did apart, but I'm facing a problem

Android worker gets cancelled no cause shown

Work [ id=ab50e634-d315-4566-acc2-fe146a7366e2, tags={ in.offline.usecase.Upload****s$Worker, upload/***/now/* } ] was cancelled java.util.concurrent.Cancellati

Android WorkManager fork single into multiple chains and join

I want to set up the following work using WorkManager: A | v ----- | | v | B v | D v | C | | | ----- | v E So

Android 12 - Foreground service launch restrictions

I'm developing an SDK that needs to startForeground service from the background. Because it uses background location and Bluetooth-related works. If the applica

Android 12: Using SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM permission to get/show data at specific time are safe in Google Play Policy?

I have an Android app on Play store for 8 years. Recently Google release Android S or 12 introduce some limit with Foreground service launch restrictions https:

How can I execute cleanup code in my CoroutineWorker when onStopped is final?

I upgraded to WorkManager 2.1.0 and tried to use some of the Kotlin extensions including CoroutineWorker. My worker was extending previousl