Category "android"

Read and write text to NFC Card from android

I currently trying to make Login System using NFC Card. The idea is, Android will write username to the NFC Card, then when the card is scanned on Android, the

processDebugMainManifest FAILED, I am facing this error while using targetSdkVersion as 31

/Users/paradox/Developer/nturing/services/otus/scanner-android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml Error: android:exported needs to be explicitly specified for

Event synchronization issue in an Android app

Here is an issue I am facing in an Android app. Please let me know if I need to give more information. There is an animation running inside the app. And while i

Android javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException

I have an issue with this helper class where I get an exception while I tried to decrypt. I tried a few solutions on the internet and they seem not working. Thi

Android Navigation Component : Pass value (arguments) in fragments

What I have done: I have created Navigation Drawer Activity, As updated new format of Navigation Drawer Activity, As per new Android architecture, I got it with

"Task: react-native-admob: compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED" is displayed by react-native-admob

I implemented a video ad using react-native-admob. When I built it this morning, the app that should have worked properly suddenly failed to build. > Task :r

Android Studio SDKmanager Error: Could not find or load main class

Currently I am trying to set up my Android Studio environment for Flutter and I am unable to update sdkmanager or else I would obtain the following errors : Th

Flutter Alarm Manager Missing Plugin Exception

I'm having trouble setting up a daily task to complete certain functions. I've managed to get android_alarm_manager to work, I currently, have it set to print a

How to disable copy/paste/cut in a TextField Jetpack Compose?

I'm trying to find a simple solution on how to disable copy/paste/cut in a TextField. I did come across a couple of question but no answer.

take picture just in Android 12 the result code is zero

I try to take the picture Uri in the onActivityResult() and i'm get resultCode == 0 only on Android 12. on all the other devices I tested it works fine. this is

Failed to resolve library after upgrading the build version to 7.0

I have upgraded the my exiting project Gradle version from older version to "". After upgrading the build version some of th

MQTT android studio connection failed

I am trying to create an android application to send mqtt messages to a broker mosquitto. Here's what I did: build.gradle app : implementation 'org.eclipse.p

Filtering array list

I have a class which I want to use, to filter my array according to driver. Driver is hardcoded just to try and eliminate possibilities of why the code is not w (

I'm getting this error in Crashlytics (Firebase). The app is built in Flutter and I'm not sure about this error that I don't get locally: Fatal Exception: java.

Android MediaSession: How to choose the icons shown on lock screen?

I have an app that plays media via MediaSessionCompat. I create a notification for the Notification Drawer using NotificationCompat and post it using Notificati

flutter video_player Not playing the video in release mode

i use video_palyer : ^2.1.0 the video playing normaly in debug mode but whene i run release apk the video not playing UPDATE the problem from flutter_facebook_a

How to resolve hint character wrapping on autosizing TextView with empty text on android?

I want to use autosizing TextView for dynamic text content. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="

ViewPager2 dependency confusion

I was about to try ViewPager2 but I don't understand when I saw someone add the following dependency declaration in their gradle file: implementation 'androidx.

Compose-Navigation: Remove previous composable from stack before navigating

I'm using compose-navigation(alpha09) to handle the navigation between composables I want to remove the Splash screen when moving to the next destination (I don

Json file was not found in Android

I am developing a game for mobile and can't create a normal save system because when playing on the phone the error is logged: Could not find the file. I use th