I'm getting this message in the Code Analysis after setting my Min SDK to 26. This folder configuration ('v26') is unnecessary; 'minSdkVersion' is 26. Merge al
I'm trying to use the new Android 12 Splash Screen API but my app keeps crashing when opening the first activity. I have MainActivity as my launcher activity wi
I have an app that rotates other apps. It uses an accessibility service so I have the ability to retrieve screen content. Say I'm rotating a game called Geometr
I'm trying to follow the official guidelines to migrate from LiveData to Flow/StateFlow with Compose, as per these articles: A safer way to collect flows from A
Is there a way to capture the back button click listener from Google Places Address Search (AutocompleteSupportFragment) val btnBackClick = autoc
I'm using Material 3 ButtonToggleGroup, I want to have a different background when a button is selected. However, If I don't add any attributes to my style appl
Month or couple ago my emulator started to get close (maybe crash?) every time I press ctrl button on keyboard or when I click emulator's rightside buttons (tak
Hey there i want to make a button change his own background image when i just touch it and in the second i let go it will change back to the original image like
i have got emoji view in logcat of android studio. but not getting that emoji view in app. i have set emoji textview in layout but its not visible in listview.
I am taking my first steps at jetpack Compose and currently i am developing a recyclerview-like list by using Card (and other compoenent layouts). For my applic
What i'm trying to achieve is having a gridview with some materialButton inside. I tried to create the gridview like : <GridView android:id="@+id
I'm learning Jetpack Compose and I was trying to customize a display of an image with Modifier methods height and padding. But I got the Problem messages "Unres
I am using Local Notifications for my app and it is working fine on my iPhone but when firing a Notification on my Android Simulator it is not showing the Notif
I made an Android app that should play a sound when event is received, it works when app is in focus, but when the app is closed/collapsed sound doesnt play, on
Yesterday the emulator was working perfectly. The system image was arm64-v8a. I don't exactly remember the Release name of the working system image but, yesterd
Im building a mobile application with flutter which the security is the highest priority so what is more secure to use native code (functions/ dependency ) or u
I'm trying to create a single activity app using android architecture components. I have a fragment A which has some textfields, when user pushes a button I nav
I've recently upgraded my react-native app to version 0.60.5, as to fulfil App Store requirement of 64-bit app, but I've noticed that the executionHistory.bin f
I am using <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" /> to show a pop up which overlay over other apps but android 12 is bloc
I am making a register screen, that has a toolbar on top of it. When I scroll down the toolbar hides(goes up). I don't want my toolbar to scroll when I am scrol