Category "android"

Flutter run error : You have not accepted the license agreements

I'm developing android and ios app with Google flutter. when I add a new dependency like shared_preferences to pubspec.yaml and then execute flutter run in term

Could not find method compile() for arguments []

Trying to build a react native project, and cannot compile appcompat Could not find method compile() for arguments []

Adding function to foreground service lifecycle methods can create an issue? Is this best practise?

I created a timer app. So it's counting time basically and I'm saving the time to room when service close in OnDestroy scope. Is it best practise? Or is there a

How to distribute android phone+wearOS projects in same play console store listing

I have a phone project, as well as a watch (wearOS) project. 90% of the code is shared between the two projects, and I would like to package and distribute the

Where and how to add classpath dependencies in gradle 7.2?

For android project created with gradle 7.2, the project gradle is very different from the previous ones, it now only contains these // Top-level build file whe

How to listen the cancel event from confirmation screen of a biometric prompt?

I'm implementing the latest Biometric prompt in my app and made the Confirmation required true. While doing facial recognition it prompts for user confirmation

Errors when running command "npx react-native run-android"

C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\react-native-cli>cd AwesomeProject C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\react-native-cli\AwesomeProject>npx react-native run-android info Runni

Ionic 3 pause and resume events triggering multiple times in Android

I am facing strange issue in ionic 3 pause and resume events, whenever I paused the application, events are calling multiple times(once 2, once 3 etc). Here is

UtteranceProgressListener not called

I'm trying to take some action after a TextToSpeech object in my Android app finishes speaking a sentence, but my UtteranceProgressListener.onDone() method is n

java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to

Accepting data from database and displaying it on Table Layout and using that data creating a piechart with MpAndroidChart Library but getting the error as sta

"Automatic SMS Verification with the SMS Retriever API" vs "Authenticate with Firebase using a Phone Number"

On my andoird app to do Automatic SMS Verification I can use this: "Automatic SMS Verification with the SMS Retriever API"

UtteranceProgressListener not called

I'm trying to take some action after a TextToSpeech object in my Android app finishes speaking a sentence, but my UtteranceProgressListener.onDone() method is n

How to set percentage value below Label in Pie chart

I want to place Percentage value(0.92) below, Label(EUR) in Pie chart. As shown below picture example. I using MPAndroidChart, in which its showing as below

BottomNavigationView is not show though layout preview shows

I intended to show BottomBar with three menus (dedicated fragments for each). The BottomBar doesn't show up in the UI, though the same previews perfectly below

How to set percentage value below Label in Pie chart

I want to place Percentage value(0.92) below, Label(EUR) in Pie chart. As shown below picture example. I using MPAndroidChart, in which its showing as below

"Automatic SMS Verification with the SMS Retriever API" vs "Authenticate with Firebase using a Phone Number"

On my andoird app to do Automatic SMS Verification I can use this: "Automatic SMS Verification with the SMS Retriever API"

How to Pass a List of Objects from activity A to activity B in Kotlin?

I have 2 Activities, I want to pass an arraylist of an Object and show it on a ListView Activity A: btnGuardar.setOnClickListener{ i

RecyclerView's onClick won't work clicking items, only when you click BETWEEN items

I'm learning Android and I'm testing things with RecyclerView. I wanted to add an OnItemClickListener, I wanted to see if works so I made a Toast appear each ti

Compile the Kotlin android file through the command line compiler, show unresolved reference: synthetic

I used kotlin-android-extensions the kotlin code is simple import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.Toast import

Start activity or service on boot Android 11 not work

I need to start a push notification service when the phone boots. I have followed various guides and various answers also to questions asked on this site but wi