Category "android"

Change MPPieChart Legend Text Color based on choosed theme

Scenario: I made an app that switches programmatically Theme between light and dark mode.It's based on fragment and I set every views via XML calling "?attr/myt

Clear table and reset autoincrement primary key

I want to delete all from my table and reset autoincrement primary key. I do this : @Query("delete from sqlite_sequence where name='bin';") void delete(); @

Android: Internal error in Cloud Firestore (24.0.2)

Iam using Firestore 24.0.2, and it was working well, but now i surprised that it is not working, and the app crash when opening MainActivity after Splash Activi

Get Currency symbol of only one character (e.g $,₹, etc) (Locale doesn't matter) android kotlin

i have currency code (e.g. USD,INR,etc...). I want to get symbols of only one letter of those codes (e.g $,₹, etc). i have tried to find many solutions li

Expo React Native - Emulator Debug menu shortcut suddenly stopped working on Windows

I am developing React Native App using Expo (not ejected) and Android Studio official AVD. I am on Windows. There is shortcut CTRL-M what opens Expo's (React

E/FirebaseInstanceId: Token retrieval failed: AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - what changed?

I'm not sure what's going on here, I pulled my recently updated repo and every time I open the app to debug it on an emulator I get E/FirebaseInstanceId: Token

Parameterize some tests but not others with RobolectricTest

I am looking to add a parameterized test to an existing test suite that uses the Robolectric test framework, like so: @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) publ

How can I change CardViews background color based on user's option in Kotlin?

I have 2 fragment pages. The first of these pages is the page where the user is given options. The other page is the page that is displayed according to the opt

Gradle sync failed: Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'

I recently update my Android Studio to version 3.0.1 and I started a new project with a blank activity. As soon as the gradle sync starts(as soon as I open the

Firebase Realtime Database from Android setValue not working

I am trying to use the realtime database for the first time. The set value function is not working for me. I already updated the writing rules in the following

cmdline-tools : could not determine SDK root

C:\Android\sdk\bin>sdkmanager Error: Could not determine SDK root. Error: Either specify it explicitly with --sdk_root= or move this package into its expecte

Internal app sharing without install button

In some devices, ex Google Pixel 3 XL, button Install disappear, although they use same google play account and open a same internal app. Does anyone have a s

how to compile a Kivy app, that uses the Google API, with buildozer?

I have created a APP using Kivy and Google API and it working on my computer, but after having compiled with buildozer, by open on my phone, it crashed systemat

How to update list in RecyclerView with DiffUtils?

How do you use DiffCallback to load a newList in RecyclerView when DiffUtil ItemCallback is being used. I would like to give the user the option to return diff

Password manager autofill

how to make an autofill app like dashlane, or lastpass on android studio. I want to make an autofill app, example facebook, It can autofill my login credentials

How to use Android RRO to overlay a layout?

I'm trying to customize Android 10 AOSP Settings app ( using a Runtime Resource Overlay (RRO). When using a RRO, I can successfully customi

handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy

I have a Login screen and upon success login, it finishes and shows another page that has information about the user. I read about this post and also this post.

I must foreground service when receives location information only once in android 10 and above?

hello friends, i want receive update user location and show in text view only once and remove update location when it received. i must use foreground service f

Share Intent text using Kotlin on Android

I want to share text in my CardView using share Intent using kotlin but there is a problem with last line in the code in kotlin the code val shareIntent = I

How to handle request code in Android ActivityResultLauncher api

After updating my app to AndroidX I noticed startActivityForResult() is depreciated. I looked through the documentation and found some good explanations, but I