Category "angular-cli"

Is it possible to build an Angular app without embedded styles?

My company is going through a re-branding and it involves some color changes to our app. Most of this is just tweaking SCSS variables, but i'd like to be able

Angular TSLint - Cannot find builder "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint"

When I try to run command ng lint --fix cli throws this error: An unhandled exception occurred: Cannot find builder "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint". See

Angular TSLint - Cannot find builder "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint"

When I try to run command ng lint --fix cli throws this error: An unhandled exception occurred: Cannot find builder "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint". See

Clear angular cache in .angular folder

From version 13.0.0 there will be a .angular folder generated in root which is ignored by git containing a cache folder which caches builds. How can I remove (o

Why when compile angular library with --emitDecoratorMetadata flag i get warnings?

warnings like WARNING: "FormControl" and "FormBuilder" are imported from external module "@angular/forms" but never used in **\esm2015\lib\** WARNING: "Router"

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'path'

I have an Angular CLI project which I just upgraded to Angular 6. Now when I try to build my app, I get the following errors: ERROR in ./node_modules/postcss/

How to set global configuration for angular-cli?

I would like to make my ng serve command default with liveReload = false. I tried ng config --global serve.options.liveReload false but I got an Invalid Path e

npm package seems to be corrupted

I am getting these warnings and then errors at the end. What is the fix? npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: core-js@<3.0 is no longer maintained and not re

Angular CLI - ng serve --serve-path

I am trying to use --serve-path to serve my entire application under that path. For example I want my path to be localhost:4200/foobar I use ng serve --serve-pa

How to get rid of the warning .ts file is part of the TypeScript compilation but it's unused

I Just updated angular to latest 9.0.0-next.4. I am not using routing but suddenly after updating I keep seeing this warning. How Do I remove this warning W

Npm ERR! code EPERM

I'm using node v6.11.2, npm v5.3.0 and angular/cli v1.2.7. I'm suddenly receiving the following error message for a majority of my npm installs. Never seen it

Property 'Draw' does not exist on type 'typeof Control'

I'm attempting to implement a map component with leaflet and other leaflet plugins. The issue is other plugins don't work from TypeScript for some reason. For

Running a single test file

Is there a way to run ng test for a single file instead of for the entire test suite? Ideally, I'd like to get the quickest possible feedback loop when I'm edi

Unwanted *.js and * files are being generated from .ts in some areas of project

I am developing an angular cli v6 project in visual studio 2017 and noticing that unwanted .js and`files are being generated for some of my typescript f

How to decrease size of vendor.js in angular 2,4,6,7,8,9,10?

Angular CLI creates vendor.js and I don't know Why and What is the use of it?? Size of this file is about 3.2MB for a new app!! Does this file contains Angular

how to generate multiple html files with angular-cli builds?

I have an angular project with manual setup (no angular-cli) and configured the build to generate multiple html files using HTML Webpack Plugin. Now, I am plann

How to find the angular Invalid version 15.2-15.3 error?

I created a new angular app with the angular CLI 13.0.4. It created an angular app version ~13.0.0. When I use the command ng build, I get the following error:

angular-cli different versions in the same computer

I'm working with Angular2 in several projects. Each of this projects uses a different version of angular-cli, so, I need to be able to run and compile for produ

Where is the file angular-cli.json in the new @angular/cli version?

I'm new in angular2 and i have tried to create a project with cli, but when I try to change the css adding it in angular-cli.json, I have detected that this fil

@use is coming soon, but it's not supported in this version of Dart Sass

I am running ng serve with an Angular cli project which includes Sass. I have been using @import and @include with no problem, when I added @use, the terminal t