Category "stringr"

How to use mutate() +across() only for specific rows

The data: df <- tribble( ~name, ~val.I, ~val.V, ~`val.%`, "Peter", 123, 12.4, 14, "Peter in %", 111, 532, 57, "Harald", 2222, 3333, 444, "Harald in

R - subscript out of bounds with stringer and grep in lapply function

My goal is to extract strings of digits with fixed length (8 digits) from multiple text files in several folders after matching a certain pattern. I have spent

Match text from one column with another column (vlookup + like)

I'm trying to perform a match of 2 columns but without success. I have one DF1 with 2 columns, Id and JSON. In the second DF2, I have one column with a pattern

str_detect removing some but not all strings with specified ending

I'd like to remove any string that ends in either of 2 characters in a pipe. In this example it's ".o" or ".t". Some of them get removed, but not all of them, a

How do I use regex to match a substring before/after the colon?

I want to split info into Refseq ID, cDNA level change and Protein level change, where Refseq ID represents the substring from the start to the first colon :, c

In dplyr using str_detect and case_when in R

This is my df: mydf <- structure(list(Action = c("Passes accurate", "Passes accurate", "Passes accurate", "Passes accurate", "Lost balls", "Lost balls (in o

What is the difference between paste/paste0 and str_c?

I don't seem to see a difference between paste/paste0 and str_c for combining a single vector into a single string, multiple strings into one string, or multipl