This is the datepicker that I want to set my custom horizontal size:
I tried to make a scroll for a dialog in reposition strategy, but it doesn't work for me. const scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.reposition(); co
I tried to make a scroll for a dialog in reposition strategy, but it doesn't work for me. const scrollStrategy = this.overlay.scrollStrategies.reposition(); co ng new testapp cd testapp npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdk npm install --save @angular/anima
In angular material, we can pass colors to angular material components as attribute, for example <button mat-raised-button color="primary">Example</bu
how are you? I have one problem 'slice' of undefined in my project. I use autocomplete material M
I want to implement a filter button on a result page like this one: Is there any angular directive that implement this. Like for example the snack bar that i
I am using Angular 7 and Angular Material as server-side pagination. I got problem with this matter. The problem is the pagination become like this. I want t
I want my buttons showing left- and right arrow and NOW text to be as small as possible. How do I do that? <div ng-controller="DateCtrl" layout="row" flex&g
In Angular project Google material icons are working fine in chrome but not rendering in chrome incognito mode and firefox . In index.html below lines are used
I'm trying to have a reactive form in which there is some dates that are entered by the user using mat-datepicker. The problem I face is that the output of the
How can i update dateClass manually in a function? datepicker HTML <mat-datepicker [dateClass]="dateClass" #picker fxLayoutAlign="start start"
I have the following code: <form [formGroup]="meetingFormGroup"> <!-- Date Input --> <mat-form-field>
How can I select a specific tab when an event occurs? I tried with [selectedIndex]="selectedTab" changing the selectedTab to the tab index needed but it doesn
This question is in reference to this Github issue, with mat-menu which can't be toggled using mouse hover, I am basically trying to replace a bootstrap based h
I have a list of items (students) in a mat-list component on the left side of my screen (general list). I also have a list of class-room Components on the right
How to use input type file in angular material Hi, I am using angular material for designing. when i go on angular material site there no input type file eleme
I tried to upload the Textfile into Textarea and edit it, but whenever I type and then upload it. Textarea will not update the contents of the files from the t
So I'm playing around with Angular a bit and I wanted to add material snackbar to my app for when there's an error in my app. So, I have my hompage and my nav
I'm starting a new project with Angular 13 and Angular Material. I want to use a Backdrop element like it is defined in Material Design (Mater