I want to redirect to a child route with an outlet from a parent route with a parameter: { path: "projects/:projectKey", component: ProjectComponent,
I have an HTML element with a mouseenter listener that shows a hidden cdk drop list on mouseenter (with *ngIf). When on drag start of a cdk drag item, I'm getti
<input type="number" style="width: 100px" [(ngModel)]="trait.userMinimum" (ngModelChange)="setThresholds()"> The model gets changed by the below code an
Recently I have heard about a property called onSameUrlNavigation where you can set it to "reload". I have googled about it but there are not many articles whi
I'm working in Angular 11 with FontAwesome, and there's a context where I'd like to specify an icon by specifying a class attribute on an html element, after th
I have a FormGroup with FormArray control filled with FormGroup instances someForm = this.fb.group({ days: this.fb.array([ this.fb.group({ d
How can I select a specific tab when an event occurs? I tried with [selectedIndex]="selectedTab" changing the selectedTab to the tab index needed but it doesn
I'm having a problem with PDF showing in front of the properties panel in IE but not in Chrome. in IE in Chrome tried using z-index but had no success using ang
//angular.json "serve-ssr": { "builder": "@nguniversal/builders:ssr-dev-server", "options": { "browserTarget": "
How to configure Angular component not to trigger change detection for the whole application but only for the component itself and his children? Working exampl
I am developing my own website. I am new to Angular and just based on learing and online posts, I started developing my website. While running tests, I faced an
I have a fairly standard bootstrap-styled <table>. I want to make columns of this table resizable, e.g. by click-and-dragging right border of <th> e
I am trying to learn angular by following the official tutorial but when following steps for hero component and hero detail component, it raises an error "Range
I have a problem that I can't seem to figure out. I want to send a http params request from my Angular client to server using below code but I am getting except
I'm setting the the value of an input calculating two other ngModels, and that seems to be working fine. But if I inspect my ngModel, it doesn't change at all.
I have a component with a method that receives values from a form. I would like to describe the form data with an interface. However, at runtime (ng serve), th
I could really use some help on an old app I started working on a long time ago when I was first teaching myself JS. It has kind of turned into a labor of love
I'm trying to display errors in a modal dialog but I'm a total Angular newbie and I'm stuck. The project already uses bootstrap so I've tried using NgbModal:
Auto import by VS Code: import deepEqual = require('deep-equal'); Doesn't work: error TS1202: Import assignment cannot be used when targeting ECMAScrip
This question is in reference to this Github issue, with mat-menu which can't be toggled using mouse hover, I am basically trying to replace a bootstrap based h