Category "model"

Speed differences between QStandardItemModel and QAbstractTableModel?

Can anyone explain the following: I have 2 scripts for loading a pandas dataframe in a tableview which has a filter field. The one with the standard model loads

Blender render color different from the actual one

So, here's what i created But on rendering, the color changes.... I'm using cycles and HDRI.

AssertionError: Duplicate registrations for type 'experimentalOptimizer' when converting ssd model to tflite format

I was trying to convert my trained ssd model to tflite format. But I always face to this below error. error I faced Here is my code: //-------------------------

InvalidOperationException: Model item passed in the ViewDataDictionary is of type 'System.Object'

I encountered the problem when I was creating a Create page. Which lead me to an error message which says: Error Message: Im not entirely sure if my model name

Difference between hidden dimension and n_layers in rnn using pytorch

I am stuck between hidden dimension and n_layers. What I understood so far, is that n_layers in the parameters of RNN using pytorch, is number of hidden layers.

Pytorch nn.CrossEntropyLoss() always returns 0

I am building a multi-class Vision Transformer Network. When passing my values through my loss function, it always returns zero. My output layer consisits of 37

Field is not a stored field, only stored fields (regular or many2many) are valid for the 'groupby' parameter in Odoo 15

In the model, I added a Many2one field that is teacher_id and related to res.users, then i added teacher_gender that related to teacher_id.gender. teacher_id =

Laravel trying to save $appends attributes

I am coding on Laravel 6, and stumbled up on this problem. I have accessors for a field that i need in my model in some cases, but it does not exist in my datab

laravel db transaction context is available on called functions

I have found that for using DB::transaction in Laravel, in combination with the ORM, we need to run something like: DB::transaction(function() { // Mod

save data and open in another class

I've got a litlle problem: How do I get stored data from one model into another? I've got an app which is loading strings from a textbox and I want to save them

Huggingface models only work once, then spit out Tokenizer error

i am following along with this example on huggingface's website, trying to work with twitter sentiment. I am running python 3.9 on PyCharm. the code works fine

Share types between client and server

I'm working on a project with a Node.js, Express.js & TypeScript backend (REST API) and a React, Redux & TypeScript frontend. In the backend I have crea

from Model.AGCRNCell import AGCRNCell ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'model'

I'm trying to replicate this model from here: but when I try to run the model code in my colab import torc

Compilation deep learning model is important if we unfreez the layers for fientuneing?

I am classifying a medical images dataset into normal vs abnormal where I am applying transfer learning with ResNet50v2. I did a little change in the last laye

How to use validator in Django depending on the database data?

I'm making a web app that keeps tracks of a small business. For that purpose I have two models designed in my app. One of which is all the storage information a

Can't call / pass data from django database onto website using built in auth model and a model I created, which is the one I cant query

Any help would be appreciated, basically I am a beginner and I'm struggling to pull data from my database. I used the built in auth method from django, which s

Create a new instance of a Laravel model with children models

At the moment, whenever I need to create a new instance of a Laravel model that has child models, I need to create the model in the controller, then loop over a

Is it possible to create labels.txt manually?

I recently convert my model to tensorflow lite but I only got the .tflite file and not a labels.txt for my Android project. So is it possible to create my own l

Cannot reference Umbraco generated model

I have an Umbraco 8 site using Models builder and I cannot seem to reference a generated model, as suggested is possible by Umbraco [documentation][1]. My model

How to process multiple tensorflow models android

I am working on the app which will take the camera input and process with tensorflow model(for gesture detection) which will give the bounding box output. I hav