Category "angular11"

Angular11 how to show only one of multiple primeng context menu

I am developing Angular application where i have a button inside forloop on click open a context menu. I only want only one menu to be opened. currently multipl

Extending Angular DatePipe errors in Angular 11, worked in Angular 10

Originally, I had a simple extension to the DatePipe to transform a date value from our standard (YYYYMMDD format) so that the DatePipe in Angular could then us

ng-select items not visible

I added ng-select to a new Angular 11 application, and it seems to be working fine until I open the dropdown. When I open the dropdown, I can select items but I

How do you know what package version you need in angular?

I had an core app on Angular 10.2.4, decided to upgrade to 11. Ran: ng update @angular/core@11 @angular/cli@11 it failed complaining of devkit. Uninstal

Chrome Browser always crashing, I am using multiple web workers and IndexDB - Angular 11

When the page is refreshed, multiple web workers run at once on the browser but after a while, it throws SIGILL OR Out of memory error

TypeError: Cannot set property scrollHeight of [object Element] which has only a getter

I am using PrimeNg v11.x element. Application is working fine with scrollHeight value set from a variable but the jasmine test is failing with error: TypeError

Angular 11 switchmap not working after catch error

I have two dropdowns in my angular app. Second one is populated based on first dropdown value. I am using switchmap. It works fine as long as there is no error.

npm install always installing in the same directory and not to current directory

I am facing really a weird issue. when i try to run the command 'npm install' it always installs in a different directory. eg: i have the package.json in C:\Fol

How to escape HTML character in angularjs. I have read using ng-blind / ng-sanitize to escape Html, but not able to implement it

I am new to Angular Js. I have used ngx-editor to make text-area with different formatting Styles. When I am submitting the content I am getting HTML tags alon