Category "slack-api"

client is null on app.action in Slack both using Bolt for Javascript

I'm developing a Slack bot using Glitch and Bolt for Javascript. I'm opening a Model with two button (Approve and Reject), everything works up to where the user

Slack API - chat_deleteScheduledMessage not working

I have been trying to make a chatbot that schedules a message and then deletes the message before it would sent to the channel. Although, the scheduled message

Respond to user interaction - How to update message?

I have created a message froma slash-command Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("channel", command.getChannelId()); data.put("blo

Reduce size of text in slack message

Is there a way to reduce the size of the text in slack messages just the way we have ways to make the text bold/italics?

Slack Bolt Verification with Oauth

I've been trying to work through this for a couple of days now. I have a slack app working in development using Slack/Bolt and the built in Express Server. In d

Where do I get `thread_ts` to start a Slack thread with an incoming webhook?

On Slack's incoming webhook documentation, they mention including the thread_ts in the request body to start a thread. { "text": "Hello, world.", "thre

Slack app giving error when adding a incoming webbook

I am running into an issue a slack app I am working with. I created a slack app, had it approved from the slack admin and then tried to create an incoming webbo

Challenge value not responding when connecting to request URL using python

I am trying to connect to my request URL in slack but it does not respond with the challenge value like it is supposed to. This has never been an issue before a

Monitoring connectivity for Slack and PagerDuty

We are using PRTG to monitor a number of internal resources, and we have set it up to alert us on a Slack channel and/or via PagerDuty (depending on severity) u

Unable to post message via the Slack API - getting error 'no_text'

Why am I getting an error 'no_text' ? The Json below is valid and is taken from the slack documentation example. In bot.postMessage(channel, '', params) if I

Open URL in browser from Message Button using Slack API

I am sending the users a slack message with a button through a Slack App. On every click of the button, I generate a new URL. At the moment, I am able to retu

Slack API: Can't send attachments

I'm trying to send an attachment using Slack's Python Client but whenever I do I fail. I tried sending it with the Tester too but it still didn't work. Either I

Unable to Find Channel, Slack reactions.add Method

I would like to react to messages in channels as well as private groups in Slack. I've gotten reacting to messages sent in public channels working, however when

How to access Slackbot custom responses via slack API?

Slack provides wonderful slackbot custom responses. Is there any way to access these "when people say" and "slack bot response" data via slack API? Also is it p

Does slack have a method for triggering a command?

I built a slackbot for my startup. I would like to trigger things like /poll. Using client.chat_postMessage posts rather as plain text without triggering the co

Slack bot can't send a message to a channel with - or space like "channel-name"

my slack bot can't send a message to a channel with space or - like "channel-name" but works well for a one word channel. $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_

slack api files.upload error: not_in_channel

trying to upload a file from a build server following the doc: And also using bot token:

How to get the all the channels in Slack workspace with conversation.list API?

When I paginate through next_cursor, I get a different number of channels every time I hit the URL through NodeJS function. Once the total channels fetched is

How to set multiple values in Slack cursor Parameter

In the Slack API End point URL, I used the cursor fields and I got all the public channels. But I am unable to set all the below curson values in the End point

Is it possible to call external web APIs from Slack?

I want to pull some metrics daily posted in my slack channel. these metrics are located in my personal server, and to pull them via rest API a basic authenticat