Category "ansible-inventory"

How can I manage groups in inventory?

I have a common playbook (task) but in my last task I want to do an action on a group of hosts and when it is finished, do the same action on another group (for

Managing "nested" group in Ansible YAML inventory files

I'm managing a number of clusters, and I wanted to consolidate multiple inventory files into a single inventory that looks effectively like this: all: childre

Fixed sorting order of hosts in inventory_hostname groups

I am using AWX with the combination of CMDB inventory and many groups are defined there . i.e. from set_A to set_Z and blah blah blah I am calling many groups i

Ansible vault shows decrypted values if playbooks executed with debug mode

I am using ansible vault to encrypt the password, but when I am using debug mode it shows the password as plain text. Consider below code Generate ansible-vaul

How to prompt user for a target host in Ansible?

I want to write a bootstrapper playbook for new machines in Ansible which will reconfigure the network settings. At the time of the first execution target machi

How to access a programmatically constructed ansible variable?

I have constructed an ansible variable using two other defined ansible variables. The constructed variable is defined in the vars/main.yml and I want to access

Failed to connect to the host via PSRP

I try to run playbook on Ansible tower to connet to window server and got bug this this my playbook --- - name: Tranfer File From Jap hosts: tbdbmonprd tas

Ansible inventory variable undefined

I've defined a variable in my inventory file, but i get error variable is undefined when using it in play condition. inventory.yml: [nodes] node1 .... node1 .