Category "antivirus"

Understand Hooked syscalls - Do win32 api always call system ones in ntdll.dll?

I wrote a keylogger that hooks keystrokes. I learned about the AV's detection with hooked syscall and wanted to know if my keyboard hook is si

Whitelisting Apps on Windows Defender using Python

As the title says, I was wondering if there was any way to whitelist apps automatically, like how Salad (from does it, using Python.

Windows 10 defender detects Backdoor:PHP/Dirtelti.MTF for php file

I am running wamp with Windows 10 and I have a simple example code that uses eval function: <?php echo eval(file_get_contents('test2.php')); Windows defende

VSCode C++ Compiled exe was infected with Win32:TrojanX-gen[Trj]

I am setting up VSCode for C++, made some simple code (test.cpp) to test if things are working. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){