Category "unity3d"

In Unity, how do you create a collection of pointers?

Is it possible to create a list or array of pointers in C#? I want to have a list of T* rather than use IntPtr because i am forever having to type Marshal Ptr T

Dropdown menu won't move objects down

I'm instantiating objects/prefabs into a vertical layout group in Unity. each of these objects have a dropdown menus, but my issues is that when I'm expanding t

AR camera distance measurement

I have a question about AR(Augmented Reality). I want to know how to show the distance information(like centermeter...) between AR camera and target object. (Us

Do a Raycast after Raycast-positioned object

I have a code that allows to position an object onto the other object by Raycast. Obviously, I am using Mesh Collider so everything works fine. Ray ray = new Ra

I'm trying to use a button trigger to move multiple gameobjects to and from their original transform positions to a single point

I'm making an inventory system and want to use a button to move all items from under the button to a grid (which is their original transform coordinates). want

How do I Move My Mouse Position With a Scrollbar?

Video link I have a lot of dots that move, depending on the mouse position. I would like to change it so that it moves with the scrollbar value. How could I imp

I want to refactor my loading game script

I wanted to load my save files in Start() but I got an error that there is no path to load file because the path is created in Start() so I changed loading plac

How do i get code completion for C# scripts in VSCode for Unity on Linux/Ubuntu?

I recently came back to unity, as i found out that it does now support installation linux. It works, but when editing the scripts with vscode i do not get code

Make players look direction relative to camera unity

I'm making a third person character controller in unity, I have the Player Moving with a direction and an animation. My question is: how do I make the movement

Is OnDestroy reliable in Unity?

In Unity I have a script in which I connect to a socket via TCP and want to use this connection every frame. I need to dispose and clean up after that. My idea

How can I determine which direction my car transform is moving

I have the transform for a car with the standard CarController Component from the UnityStandardAssets.Vehicles If I move the car and check the Speed from the Ca

How to get current folder from a C# static class on Unity

I imported a Unity package where several Editor scripts depend on a RootPath property from a static class: public static class EditorUtils { public static s

How to prepare Data-Set for main thread in an additional thread and stay threadsafe?

Description: (Following is only a low level description) Assume you have a List of automates, one of people and one of tasks. The corresponding Data comes from

Can i "add module" to unity editor that download without unity hub?

I downloaded unity editor from unity download archive but now i need the android build support module "also known as android SDK/NDK tools" but the "add module"

UNITY - Instead of a script there is a blank notepad

About five minutes ago everything was working fine, but after I restarted my pc, one of the scripts in unity stopped working. Other scripts can't access its met

Unity Physics2D.BoxCast() can not find GameObject on specific layer

I have a huge problem with the BoxCast method in Unity. I'm trying to get information if there is any GameObject under the player that is on a specific layer bu

Trying center a tower on tilemap

Iam making a placement system using tilemaps, its almost done but have a small problem. Placement System As you can see the tower never be on middle of tiles, i

firebase remote config. fetching failure: http code 403 unity

I started getting 403 errors when initializing remote config in my application. Everything was working fine until a while ago. I connected google play services

Finding the closest vertex below a certain height, from a start position

I have procedurally generated Islands with lakes, its basically a 3D mesh that has points above the water line and points below it, any vertex/point below the w

Count Rotations in unity 2d game

I am making a game in which the character falls down on a slope and is constantly rotating clockwise at a fixed rotation. If it lands on it's feet it jumps. The