I didn't manage to customize transacted route with rollback/commit post-processing. Any help on how to write this kind of transacted route will be really appre
I just have assigned to apache camel project in the company where I work. The project is with spring xml dsl. I'm curious about strange behaviour of the attribu
I need to browse messages from an active mq using Camel route without consuming the messages. The messages in the JMS queue are to be read(only browsed and not
I was looking into Camel-Scr and in pom.xml i saw <artifactId>camel-scr</artifactId> <name>Camel :: SCR (deprecated)</name> <desc
Ideally I would like to have a route like this: from("jetty:{pathParam1}/{pathParam2) So that a consumer would then be able to access the
I am using camel and sending json string via activemq and want to persist the received object in database using ibatis. I would like to know how to convert json
I have to run a loop in the route. my route looks as <camel:loop> <camel:constant>${property.x}</camel:constant> </camel:loop>
I'm going through the tutorial here: Apache Camel Report Incident Part 5 I've copied and pasted the code in the tutorial but am getting this error when I type
I want to repeat a task (calling external API) till either of following condition is satisfied. Response code is success(200) Tried 5 times. For repeating a ta
Basically, I'm trying to do this (incorrect code!): <camel:setBody> <camel:simple>resource:classpath:/myfiles/file.xml</camel:simple>