Category "apache-camel"

Can't use onCompletion route scope with transacted routes

I didn't manage to customize transacted route with rollback/commit post-processing. Any help on how to write this kind of transacted route will be really appre

Apache camel setHeader in spring xml dsl

I just have assigned to apache camel project in the company where I work. The project is with spring xml dsl. I'm curious about strange behaviour of the attribu

How to browse messages from a queue using Apache Camel?

I need to browse messages from an active mq using Camel route without consuming the messages. The messages in the JMS queue are to be read(only browsed and not

Why Camel SCR deprecated?

I was looking into Camel-Scr and in pom.xml i saw <artifactId>camel-scr</artifactId> <name>Camel :: SCR (deprecated)</name> <desc

Clean way extract path parameters from Camel HTTP endpoints

Ideally I would like to have a route like this: from("jetty:{pathParam1}/{pathParam2) So that a consumer would then be able to access the

How to convert json to java object during camel routing

I am using camel and sending json string via activemq and want to persist the received object in database using ibatis. I would like to know how to convert json

How to retrieve a exchange property in the camel route XML?

I have to run a loop in the route. my route looks as <camel:loop> <camel:constant>${property.x}</camel:constant> </camel:loop>

Error running Apache Camel

I'm going through the tutorial here: Apache Camel Report Incident Part 5 I've copied and pasted the code in the tutorial but am getting this error when I type

how to repeat a task maximum five times using apache camel

I want to repeat a task (calling external API) till either of following condition is satisfied. Response code is success(200) Tried 5 times. For repeating a ta

Apache Camel: Set body from resource

Basically, I'm trying to do this (incorrect code!): <camel:setBody> <camel:simple>resource:classpath:/myfiles/file.xml</camel:simple>