Category "apache-kafka-connect"

Kafka Connect failed to start

I installed kafka confluent oss 4.0 on a fresh linux centos 7 but kafka connect failed to start. Steps to reproduce : - Install Oracle JDK 8 - Copy confluen

How to stop Kafka producer messages (Debezium + Azure EventHub)

I have setup Debezium and Azure Event Hub as CDC engine from PostgeSQL. Exactly like on this tutorial:

How to do type conversion when transferring data from MongoDB to kafka with debezium?

In Mongodb, the objectid is base64. I'm streaming these docs to Kafka using Debezium. How can I get ObjectId to be written as UUID in kafka? Mongo Example Doc :

How to stream data from Kafka to MongoDB by Kafka Connector

I want to stream data from Kafka to MongoDB by using Kafka Connector. I found this one But there is no step t