Category "apache-nifi"

convert complex nested json array using jolt expression in nifi

I have a complex Json where i wanted to flatten the Json using Jolt or any other ways to flatten in Nifi is also fine can anyone please help to flatten the belo

JAVA_HOME is not valid when trying to start NIFI

Running on a mac. Just downloaded JAVA 1.8.0_311 in order to run nifi 1.14.0. I am following instructions from a book that instructs me to set the environment

How to configure InvokeHTTP processor for HTTPS?

So I am trying to make GET request and as Remote URL I am using this open api endpoint. But InvokeHTTP processor shows an error: Unable to find valid certifica

NiFi difference between nifi.bored.yield.duration and Run Schedule for Processor

I am exploring the Apache NiFi, and got some questions on how the processor is getting scheduled, By Default Run Schedule value of processor is set as 0 Sec. Th

Can't start NiFi in win10

I have installed NiFi but when I try to start it from the command line, with bin\run-nifi.bat, I get the following error: Error: Could not find or load main cla

Jolt transform specification input

i have the following input json: { "tags": { "event": "observation", "source": "hunter" } } The output JSON should look like below: { "tags" : [

Nifi testing : Input Port and Output Port

I have a flow with one input and 2 output flows (happy path and failure path). I would like to test the flow, thinking to put message directly to the input flow

NIFI: NoClassDefFoundError - AbstractListProcessor

I'm extending a standard processor to create a custom nifi processor. The project builds fine. But, when I restart my nifi after adding the newly generated nar

how to use and nifi.web.proxy.context.path?

I have deployed NiFi with Kerberos in a cluster and for accessing the UI I am using haproxy. I am able to access NiFi UI through the individual node URL but it'

How to start ALL processors

I have NiFi running on a test environment and would like it to automatically start all processors as the last step of deployment. Do I need to parse all the pr

UpdateRecord showing error on parse incoming data

I have a .csv file, there is a column call first_name, in my UpdateRecord processor I have created a property call "/first_name" -> value "${field.value:toUp

Is it safe to delete the ./work folder in NiFi in between server restart?

How is the ./work folder used by NiFi ? I see a few sub folders underneath this. ./work/nar ./work/docs ./work/jetty Is it okay to clean up this folder during r

Merge json in nifi with JoltTransform

I would like to merge two different json in nifi. first json comes from an attribute to json processor and contains just an id, something like: { "id": "12

Jolt add key value to children

I am using NiFi Jolt Processor to transform some JSON data. I need to create array of objects. I can get all objects from assets, but I want to add each date in