Category "apache-spark"

dataframe Spark scala explode json array

Let's say I have a dataframe which looks like this: +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+

How to escape ( parentheses in Spark Scala?

I am trying to replace parentheses in a string (i.e. column names). It is working fine with white spaces but not with ( parentheses. I tried """, \(, \\( but I

Spark 3.0 is much slower to read json files than Spark 2.4

I have large amount of json files that Spark can read in 36 seconds but Spark 3.0 takes almost 33 minutes to read the same. On closer analysis, looks like Spark

Pyspark throwing error while trying to read parquet

I am a newbie in pyspark, While trying to read parquet file through pyspark I get the below error. I have tried various things like reinstallation of jre and jd

How to convert from Pandas' DatetimeIndex to DataFrame in PySpark?

I have the following code: # Get the min and max dates minDate, maxDate ="MonthlyTransactionDate"), f.max("MonthlyTransactionDate")).first()

Pyspark Fetching MongoDB records using MongoConnector and Where Clause

I'm trying to read MongoDB using this guide df ="com.mongodb.spark.sql.DefaultSource").load() df =['my_cols']) df = df.where('date

Calling Kubernetes Spark Operator with Java api

There is a good of examples of creating Spark jobs using the Kubernetes Spark Operator and simply submitting a request with the following kubectl apply -f spa

Spark streamming take long time read from kafka

I build a cluster use CDH5.14.2, includes 5 nodes, each node has 130G momery and 40 cpu cores. I builded the spark streamming application to read from multiple

Trigger IF Statement only when two Spark dataframe meet the conditions

I have two identical Spark DataFrame. They have the same columns. I am trying to create a IF-Else statement in one line but couldnt find a better way to do it.

KernelRestarter: restart failed in jupyter , Kernel died

[I 10:43:53.627 NotebookApp] 启动notebooks 在本地路径: /opt/soft/recommender/jupyter [I 10:43:53.627 NotebookApp] 

Cannot connect to Cassandra in spark-shell

I am trying to connect to a remote cassandra cluster in my spark shell using the Spark-cassandra connector. But its throwing some unusual errors. I do the usual

Py4JJavaError in an Azure Databricks notebook pipeline

I have a curious issue, when launching a databricks notebook from a caller notebook through (I am working in Azure Databricks). One intere

Spark DataFrame is Untyped vs DataFrame has schema?

I am beginner to Spark, while reading about Dataframe, I have found below two statements for dataframe very often- 1) DataFrame is untyped 2) DataFrame has sch

Provider could not be instantiated while reading from bigquery in Jupyter lab

I have followed this post pyspark error reading bigquery: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.spark.internal.Logging$class and followed the resolution

Unable to register with external shuffle server. Failed to connect on standalone Spark cluster

I followed the Dynamic allocation setup configuration however, getting the following error when starting the executors. ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost execu

Spark SQL - org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException

The error described below occurs when I run Spark job on Databricks the second time (the first less often). The sql query just performs create table as select

Programmatically add/remove executors to a Spark Session

I'm looking for a reliable way in Spark (v2+) to programmatically adjust the number of executors in a session. I know about dynamic allocation and the ability

sbt package is trying to download a package whose path does not exist

These are the contents of my build.sbt file: name := "WordCounter" version := "0.1" scalaVersion := "2.13.1" libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.apache.spar

Why do I got TypeError: cannot pickle '_thread.RLock' object when using pyspark

I'm using spark to deal with my data, like that: dataframe_mysql ='jdbc').options( url='jdbc:mysql://xxxxxxx',

Compare two dataframes Pyspark

I'm trying to compare two data frames with have same number of columns i.e. 4 columns with id as key column in both data frames df1 ="/path/to/