Category "apk"

Release APK version not updating

I´m writing a flutter application and it is currently on version 0.7.0, I already specified the version in pubspec.yaml and the Debug APK is already on th

How to reduce apk size when using FFmpeg

App is developed it's size is hardly 30MB and when integrated FFmpeg Library its size goes to 135MB which is Too much. Anyone know anything?

Download Android .apk from Firebase (APP Distribution) with Gitlab, to run e2e automated tests

We are looking for a way to download from Gitlab an Android .apk that was distributed via Firebase and is located in the (APP Distribution) section, to upload i

How to build a REACT Native app automatically using GitLab

I am looking for a way to build the APK of my React Native App automatically using a GitLab pipeline, I can't seem to find a solution on the web that does not u

Kivy/MySQL/colab-google Mysql request does not work

I'm using python/Kivy/MySQL/colab-google to compile an apk. When I run the app on Android, I give the command to register the app shuts down. import k

How to check if an APK/AAB binary was signed in debug mode?

Let's say I am responsible of a tool to publish APK/AAB to play store and I need to do some pre-checks before doing so. How can my tool check if an APK/AAB bina

Creating an app variant in a firebase unity project

I have en existing app (e.g in Unity, that occasionally pulls content from firebase in the live environment (after being built). Now I am

Looking for an apk parser

Currently I am using net.dongliu.apk-parser but this is throwing exception for some of the apks which are signed with v2 only. The same issue also reported on t

Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8. ****

I'm trying to use the command eas build -p android to build my android .aab file, but each time I'm trying to do so, then I'm finding the error 🤖 Androi

How to reduce Android APK size in react-native?

I am working on react native project , but whenever i am building an Apk file , it give me Apk of 47MB. I tried every documentation which i found useful on goog

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED: Invalid apk] in android

I am using Android Studio 3.0.1. When i am trying to run app INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED: Invalid apk error occurs. I also disable Instant Run.

Expo - React Native / Firebase app, APK working different than on Expo go app

I have built an app with Expo & firebase and its working with the expo go app. I ran "expo build:android" and got my APK file. The app loads and my Login an

Build - il2cpp did not run properly

I'm using unity 2019.2.0f1 with the integrating jdk-sdk and ndk recommended by unity to build a game for android platform first i build successfully my project

How to automatically update a Flutter Mobile app to newer version when the application is not on play store or app store?

let's say i have a Flutter APK hosted on my website where users can download and install , what i'm interested to know is how possible that the application can

Installation failed with message Error: android.os.ParcelableException: Requested internal only, but not enough space

I was getting the message > Installation failed with message Failed to establish session. so following some responses to the problem I disabled Instant R

Difference between signature versions - V1 (Jar Signature) and V2 (Full APK Signature) while generating a signed APK in Android Studio?

Please select at least one of the signature versions to use in Android Studio 2.3 Now while generating a signed APK in Android Studio, it's showing two options

How to add icon of the app on the home android screen (react-native)?

When installing on Android, it does not add a shortcut on home screen, but the app used to. You can find it in the app drawer only now. How to add icon of the a

Expo app runs on ios and emulator but not on android device

The Expo app will build and run correctly on ios simulator, ios device, and android emulator. but when I build an apk and run on an android device the app freez

React Native Release App.apk search metro server

I have created a release of my android application. I have used Android Studio to create it, however, when I install the application it closes automatically. Th

Could not get unknown property 'RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD' for SigningConfig_Decorated{name=debugY

I've been having this problem recently as I'm searching everywhere, also here in stack, I see a lot of different answers. Does anybody know how to solve this on