Category "openstreetmap"

Can't access the OpenStreetMap to get coordinates for address

I'm trying to retrieve coordinates for a given address using an API I found for OpenStreetMap The API is as follows: package com.sges.commons.utils.coordenada;

Wordpress OSM Plugin show link in GPX Popup

I loaded the plugin for OSM Maps for Wordpress, with which you can embed a map on the website to be able to display GPX tracks. This works so far, but if you cl

How to get maxspeed from overpass for multilevel intersections/roads?

How can I get speed limit for multilevel intersections/roads? When I go over the bridge or under the bridge, I can get wrong speed limit. I am using: way[maxspe

How do apps like Mapbox, AllTrails and use and display ALL of OSM data? When all the resources say that's a huge amount of data

I started exploring Overpass Turbo and Mapbox with hopes of building my travel app. I can query some data in OT and get towns or islands, no problem, I understa

OMSDroid - Doesn't load the map. Error: Unable to find default handler for protocol: https

I have a problem with the OSMDroid libraries. In my application I have a Fragment which should contain a map (OpenStreetMap) and and when I load the page, the m

How can i get the the two nodes (coordinates) between a edge? In OSMNX if i had (u,v,x) by ox.distance.nearest_edges

I have the id's of an edge and I want to get the coordinates(x,y) of the nodes inside it, I try this way: #this is my graph: G = ox.graph_from_address('Arequipa

OSMDroid Points of interest using multiple facilities

I am using OSMDroid with its bonus pack to display a map and get point of interest near a location, but I can't find a way to get POI of different type in once.

build a protocol stack for VANET

I want to use OMNet++, VEINS, SUMO, or OpenStreetmap where I can have the protocol stack for VANETs, the interchange of messages, the mobility patterns through

How to use vue2-leaflet in vue3 App, what changes need to be made?

I'm adding an Openstreetmap component. Newbie, straight to Vue3 (do not ask me to start from Vue2), MapLeaflet.vue : I took the code from here: https://vue2-lea

OSM to Google Maps polygons

I want to draw a city district area on Google Maps using Polygon class and an array of lat/lng coordinates. OpenStreetMap provides me all data I need — i