Category "appium"

Appium complains: Calling from not trusted UID

When I am running Appium I get following errors and can't figure out what the problem is: 2021-11-14 20:45:36.997 3376-3376/? D/AndroidRuntime: Calling main ent

Cannot register IOS developer account on Appium Studio to add a phone

On Appium Studio, registering a paid IOS developer account returns the error message below. I am registering with an Apple ID that has a paid Apple developer ac

Unable to determine element locating strategy for -android uiautomator

I have a method which works perfectly on locally, but when I launch it on server I've got an error: org.openqa.selenium.InvalidArgumentException: Unable to det

How does appium and selenium grid function together

So I have tested an appium script and it's running fine but I want to run it with selenium grid so I can run this on a different machine but I am not clear on i

Getting error while running Appium on Mac

Getting below error while running Appium Encountered internal error running command: Error: Cannot verify the signature of '/Applications/Appium Server

Appium automation in Windows

So I've been trying to get my desired capabilities for a while and it's not working with the error of "failed to create session. An unknown server-side error oc

How to dynamically get the UID of the IOS simulator device and then install in that device

How to dynamically get the UID of the IOS simulator device and then install it in that device. I currently have this BASH script which does the job, however, wh

How to use actions or do scroll in app in Java?

TouchAction is deprecated. Any pointers for new usage to do vertical Scroll? Below code used. But not working as TouchAction is deprecated. Dimension dimension

When I try to start session - Am facing this type of issue on Appium [On provided some capabilities]

An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error getting device platform version. Original error: Error executing adbEx

How should I do QA automation for the demo application on the Samsung Tizen Smart TV using Appium?

I have a Samsung T4 Tizen Series real smart device. I want to write a sample application for automation testing on it, so how to do that using Appium or any sim

Calculate DPs using density and screenSize of iOS devices

Problem: Iam trying to calculate DP using the following formula. dp = (width * 160) / density; Iam using this formula since i don't know how can i have the DP

Appium - Xpath to get direct children not working on Android

For some reason, I am not able to get all direct children of an element on Android. Apparently, the XPath does not work correctly when searching subelements in

DeprecationWarning: desired_capabilities has been deprecated, please pass in an Options object with options kwarg super().__init__(

import pytest from appium import webdriver class Test: def setup_class(self): print("setup from here") desired_caps = dict() desire

Simulate Bluetooth "Out of range" scenarios for test automation

I've an Android phone which needs to be paired with an embedded device (Qt based application on Linux) which we test. I've automated the basic scenarios using A

AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'app'

Hello I did not found answer for similar problem so I add new topic. I have problem with bdd + appium using a page object model. When I run my script I have iss

Appium is able to see beyond what is displayed on screen

Appium is able to see and find elements that is not displayed on screen I am trying to build a test automation project, I would like my driver to scroll down

Getting Saucelab error "There is no device that matches your criteria."

I am trying to run an Appium test in saucelab real devices. But that is throwing error "There is no device that matches your criteria." All config files with co

Ruby - Appium (android) webdriver actions throws "NoMethodError: undefined method `perform_actions' for nil:NilClass"

I saw that touch actions are now deprecated and the recommendation is to use webdriver actions instead. I've been following the exact example from: https://appi

try to run Appium on real device but got Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device

I have problem while automation iOS on real device , during i starting test I got erorr Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it

I cannot run uiautomatorviewer on my macbook M1

Machine macBook Air M1 OS macOS Big Sur Version 11.5.2 java -version java version "1.8.0_301" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_301-b09) Java HotSpot