Category "appium"

How do I call a @Before method from my Hooks class, in TestRunner?

I am setting up an automated framework to run tests on Android emulators, using Appium. I have added logic to launch Appium and the emulator programatically, bu

Locating elements with no class name in Appium

Using Appium testing for mobile applications. The app is written in react-native. I'm having trouble locating elements on the mobile screen. When using uiAutoma

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/remote/codec/w3c/W3CHttpCommandCodec

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/remote/codec/w3c/W3CHttpCommandCodec Is this error because of dependencies? I i

Cannot find findelementbyandroiduiautomator method for appium android driver

I am using android driver with mobileElement typecast, but I cannot find the findelementbyandroiduiautomator method in my list of methods. All the other methods