Category "word-wrap"

Python/Pygame make text in Pygame wrap when in leaves the window

I have a text function that render text.The function is the following def textFunc(font,msg,color,x,y,center): text_render = font.render(msg,True,color)

Python: Black doesn't wrap long lines

I am using black==20.8b1. I have a long string like: return f"{}, a {adjective.to_name()} {kin_string}{self._type.to_name()} who works for the {target.

How to wrap text in Django admin(set column width)

I have a model Item class Item(models.Model): id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) title = models.CharField(max_length=140, blank=True) descr

Can't define cell height with word-wrap

I would like make the table with auto word-wrap when it possible. I'm using white-space: pre-line; css-class property. But then cell height will be changed. See